
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhendongquan
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1肥水管理秋季控制灌水,适量施用磷钾肥(可用硫酸钾型松土肥),锄草深耕,可促使枝条及早结束生长有利于组织充实,延长营养物质的积累时间,从而提高树木抗寒能力。 Fertilizer and water management In autumn, irrigation is controlled by proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (potassium sulphate-type loose soil fertilizers available) and deep weeding to promote the early growth of shoots, which helps to enrich the tissues and prolong the accumulation of nutrients to improve the cold resistance of trees.
The technique of terahertz pulses generated from the photoconductive switches has been applied in the ultrafast electrical pulse metrology recently.A lumped-ele
2 在地震危险性估计中的应用至今我们已经集中讨论了如何解释地球上大范围的地震现象和孕震断层现象这一基本问题。在这一部分中,我们将考虑 2 APPLICATION TO SEISMIC HAZ
In this work, Chinese fir samples with a size of 400 mm (L) by 50 mm (W) 30 mm (H) weretaken as specimens, and drying rate and energy consumption were compared
患者 ,女性 ,31岁 ,藏族。缘于 6年前发现颈部包块 ,约 2 0× 2 0cm2 大小 ,质软 ,活动度稍差 ,无红肿、压痛 ,后逐渐增大。 1年前包块突然增大至如拳头大小 ,伴左侧头部间断
Objective To establish a novel and safe operation technique for the resection of giant hepatic cavernous hemangiomas involving the retro-hepatic vena cava.Meth
Objective To analyze post-surgical recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HHC) according to pathologic findings, primary tumor and angiographic features of th
Objective To study the surgical experience with resection of a hilar liver cancer close to major vessels and how to improve the therapeutic result.Methods From