Role of vitamin D in cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Bronchiectasis is usually classified as cystic fibrosis(CF) related or CF unrelated(non-CF); the latter is not considered an orphan disease any more, even in developed countries. Irrespective of the underlying etiology, bronchiectasis is the result of interaction between host, pathogens, and environment. Vitamin D is known to be involved in a wide spectrum of significant immunomodulatory effects such as down-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Respiratory epithelial cells constitutively express 1α-hydroxylase leading to the local transformation of the inactive 25(OH)-vitamin D to the active 1,25(OH)_2-vitamin D. The latter through its autocrine and paracrine functions up-regulates vitamin D dependent genes with important consequences in the local immunity of lungs. Despite the scarcity of direct evidence on the involvement of vitamin D deficiency states in the development of bronchiectasis in either CF or non-CF patients, it is reasonable to postulate that vitamin D may play some role in the pathogenesis of lung diseases and especially bronchiectasis. The potential contribution of vitamin D deficiency in the process of bronchiectasis is of particular clinical importance, taking into consideration the increasing prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide and the significant morbidity of bronchiectasis. Given the well-established association of vitamin D deficiency with increased inflammation, and the indicative evidence for harmful consequences in lungs, it is intriguing to speculate that the administration of vitamin D supplementation could be a reasonable and cost effective supplementary therapeutic approach for children with non-CF bronchiectasis. Regarding CF patients, maybe in the future as more data become available, we have to re-evaluate our policy on the most appropriate dosage scheme for vitamin D. Bronchiectasis is usually classified as cystic fibrosis (CF) related or CF unrelated (non-CF); the latter is not considered an orphan disease any more, even in developed countries. Irrespective of the underlying etiology, bronchiectasis is the result of interaction between host , pathogens, and environment. Vitamin D is known to be involved in a wide spectrum of significant immunomodulatory effects such as down-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Respiratory epithelial cells constitutively express 1α-hydroxylase leading to the local transformation of the inactive 25 (OH) -vitamin D to the active 1,25 (OH) _2-vitamin D. The latter through its autocrine and paracrine functions up-regulates vitamin D dependent genes with important consequences in the local immunity of lungs. Despite the scarcity of direct evidence on the involvement of vitamin D deficiency states in the development of bronchiectasis in either CF or non-CF patients, it is reasonable to postulate that vitamin D may play some role in the pathogenesis of lung diseases and especially bronchiectasis. The potential contribution of vitamin D deficiency in the process of bronchiectasis is of particular clinical importance, taking into consideration the increasing prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide and the significant morbidity of bronchiectasis Given the well-established association of vitamin D deficiency with increased inflammation, and the indication evidence for harmful consequences in lungs, it is intriguing to speculate that the administration of vitamin D supplementation could be a reasonable and cost effective supplementary therapeutic approach for children with Regarding CF patients, maybe in the future as more data become available, we have to re-evaluate our policy on the most appropriate dosage scheme for vitamin D.
在南方炎热地区,比如广东地区,能否广泛使用辛温药呢?对这个问题,过去我也有疑惑,四十年前,也就是七十年代初吧,我在南京也同样遇到了这样的问题,当时我在江苏新中医学院负芨深造。南京是温病学重要的发祥地之一,温病学派在那里影响很大,根深蒂固。无论是医者还是病者,所接受的都是清热除湿的药物多,纯粹的用辛温药行不行?  通过三年多的实践探索,我治疗了好多病人,证实了这个问题,并且也得到了南京中医界的认可。
目的 探讨地高辛早期干预对低氧诱导肺动脉高压(PAH)大鼠肺血管重构的影响及其机制.方法 48只SD大鼠按随机数字表法随机均分为4组并分别进行如下处理:(1)常氧对照组,(2)常氧+
现在一说生病,就要抗生素清热。好像万病皆有火。如此也成了滥用寒凉药的依据了。当然,也不能把所有的病说成是寒,该是什么就是什么。但是从我自己近年来的临床实际情况来看(南宁,地处西南,冬日无雪,夏天温度经常30度以上),阳虚者颇多,阳盛者少之又少。   脉软而无力是阳虚,这个道理大家都知道,也都会用点扶阳药。但还有另外一种阳虚证,其标象比较重,也就是说阴寒的症状比较重,表现为脉沉紧,其本质即阳虚,因为
◎ 头 痛 ◎    许多人会认为,头痛怎么会与阳虚扯上关系。其实,两者的关系相当密切。人体内阳气不足,就会造成精力不足,自然会产生头晕、精神困顿等现象,长此以往,便会发展至头痛。在临床上,许多偏头痛的始作俑者就是阳气不足。    ◎ 前列腺炎 ◎    前列腺炎多因内热不足引起,我们知道,前列腺与性有着密切的关联,如果内热不足,而性生活又无节制,就会导致前列腺受损。    ◎ 阳痿早泄 ◎