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现年已是78岁高龄的厉以宁委员,面对扩音器上挂满的录音笔,上百名中外新闻记者的各式提问,依然思维敏捷,谈锋稳健。两会期间,在经济界别的小组讨论会场外,每天都有记者对他"蹲点围 Now that he is a member of Li Yining, who is 78 years old, in the face of the recording pen covered with loudspeakers, hundreds of questions from Chinese and foreign news reporters are still quick thinking and steady talk. During the sessions of the two sessions, outside the panel discussion room in the economic sector, a reporter told him every day
很久以前,有位名士麦爱新,见妻年老色衰,产生了嫌弃老妻、欲纳新娇之念。于是写了 A long time ago, there was a celebrity Mai Aixin, see the old age of the wife and
Industrial insiders project recently that China’s pharmaceutical industrywill enjoy a 27% growth in profit this year.With the increasinggovernmental input and
Datang International Power Generation Co.,Ltd., under China Datang Corp., commencedconstruction of a coal-to-gas plant in Fuxin,Liaoning province on March 29th
记者:从《渴望》开始,您参予了许多影视剧的编剧与策划,回过头来看,《渴望》仍然是有代表性的。 郑:差不多有九年了,《渴望》的筹备实际是在八七年。当时能参照的是一些美国
HP公司在其新推出的HP Kayak XU和XW PC工作站均融入了业界最新的技术。其中HP Kayak XW PC工作站采用了基于WindowsNT的图形技术——HP VISUALIZE fx6图形子系统,使该款3D
【正】 The petrochemical industry prosperity indexreport showed that China’s petrochemicalindustry kept rebounding in the firstquarter of 2010. The report was