
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tongjingjj
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近几年来,我国草莓生产发展迅速,但在大面积生产中仍以大鸡冠、大鸡心为主栽品种。有些新品种虽然果型较大,品质优良,糖、酸含量高,但多数不耐贮运,抗逆性差,尤其在南方夏季高温干旱条件下,植株长势转弱,严重的导致植株死亡。也有部分品种,果面坚韧,耐贮性好,植株长势旺,但其果实纤维较粗,糖、酸、维生素C的含量均不太高。 目前,我省苏南地区及上海、杭州等地,扩种了一定面积的宝交早生品种,其品质虽优、风味较甜,但果实只属中等大小(平均单果重8~10克)、果肉柔软多汁,不耐贮运,放置一天即变软、变质,在 In recent years, the rapid development of strawberry production in our country, but in large-scale production is still large cock, big chicken heart varieties. Although some new varieties have larger fruit size, better quality, high content of sugar and acid, most of the new varieties are not good for storage and transportation, and their resistance is poor. Especially in the hot and dry summer conditions in the south, plant growth is weakened, leading to serious plant death. There are also some varieties, fruit firm, storability, plant growth vigor, but the fruit fiber thicker, sugar, acid, vitamin C content is not too high. At present, the province of southern Jiangsu and Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, the expansion of a certain area of ​​Baojiao early varieties, its quality is excellent, sweet flavor, but the fruit is only a medium size (the average weight of 8 to 10 grams) Soft and juicy flesh, intolerant storage and transportation, place a day that is soft, metamorphic, in
摘要:新课程标准要求,习作教学要“让学生能不拘形式地写下见闻、感受和想象,注意表现自己觉得新奇有趣的或印象最深、最受感动的内容”,这就要求我们在习作教学法中让学生“写自己想说的话”,努力唤起学生对习作的兴趣。“乐于书面表达,增强习作自信。”(新课标语)。  关键词:语文写作技巧;教学效策  写作教学是整个语文教学的一个重要组成部分。它是对学生识字写字、用词造句、选材构思、思维逻辑等的综合训练。因此