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500米口径球面射电望远镜(Fivehundred meters Aperture Spherical Telescope,简称FAST)采用我国科学家独创的设计和我国贵州南部喀斯特洼地独特的地形条件,是世界上最大单口径射电天文望远镜。FAST台址区工程地质条件复杂,面临的岩土工程问题也具有一定的独立性、复杂性和特殊性。FAST台址岩堆中多为大块石,有的直径甚至超过10m,其局部物理力学性能和岩体密切相关,不能完全用岩石或者土体来解释,这就决定了块石(岩堆)的稳定性评价标准与碎石土有很大区别。对FAST台址区所存在的岩堆的稳定性问题进行系统的评价论述,为今后相似场地的块石(岩堆)岩土工程稳定性问题提供相应的理论依据和经验。 Five Hundred meters Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is the largest single-aperture radio telescope in the world based on the original design of Chinese scientists and the unique terrain conditions in the karst depressions of southern Guizhou in China. The geological conditions of the FAST site are complicated and geotechnical problems are also subject to some independence, complexity and particularity. Most of the rock mass in the FAST site is massive rocks, some of which even exceed 10m in diameter. The local physical and mechanical properties are closely related to the rock mass and can not be completely explained by the rock or soil, which determines the rock mass (rock mass) The stability of the evaluation criteria and gravel soil are very different. This paper systematically reviews the stability of the rock mass existing in the FAST site and provides the theoretical basis and experience for the geotechnical stability of the rock mass (rock mass) in similar sites in the future.
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