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2007年是投连险风光无限的一年,看罢之前几年投连市场的清冷,站在年末回望,投连险不愧为保险市场中的“一枝独秀”。保险公司中尚未推出投连险品种的可谓屈指可数。从去年年初至今,合资寿险公司的投连险产品取得了不菲的收益。业内人士表示,去年股市形势大好,是投连险获得高收益的主要原因。2008年股市低迷,拖累基金销售,却给银行保险产品带来了机会。投连险销售依然火爆。本文通过追溯投连险的起源,探究投连险的本质,总结投连险的收益,对去年以来风光无限的投连险做了一个盘点。 In 2007, it was a spectacular year for Lianlian Insurance. Looking back on the past few years, it even joined the market and looked back at the end of the year. It is worth noting that Lianliankan is the only one in the insurance market. Insurance companies have not yet introduced a variety of investment can be described as a handful. From the beginning of last year till now, the joint venture life insurance company has made a lot of money for its products. Insiders said that the stock market last year, the situation is excellent, is Lianlian risk access to high-yield the main reason. Stock market downturn in 2008, drag the fund sales, but to bank insurance products has brought the opportunity. Investment-linked sales are still hot. By tracing the origin of investment-linked insurance, this paper explores the essence of investment-linked insurance and summarizes the benefits of investment-linked insurance, making an inventory of the unlimited investment-linked insurance since last year.
根据现代素质教育的要求,培养造就高素质的体育人才以及其他各类人才的身体素质,已经成为体育教学的重要任务。为此,这就对体育课的设计提出了新的课题:明确的锻炼目的、 A
目的 了解 1999年在幼儿园推行先算后吃的措施后 ,深圳私立幼儿园膳食营养改善情况。方法 称重法。结果 深圳私立幼儿园热能、锌、钙 ,视黄醇等营养素 1997年低于标准供给
The essential feature of agriculture is the interweave- ment of natural reproduction and economic reproduction.In recent years,the natural disasters have become
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目的 观察甲型肝炎灭活疫苗的安全性及免疫效果。方法 挑选甲肝抗体阴性、丙氨酸转氨酶 (ALT)正常的健康的恒河猴 10只。随机分为 5组 ,每组 2只 ,每只接种 1ml甲肝疫苗 ,