
来源 :烽火科技报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slim_ning
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2007年的9月,是烽火网络值得庆贺的日子,背靠武汉邮电科学研究院,烽火网络经过多年的努力,取得了品牌建设的巨大收获,其“F-engine”牌以太网交换机成功获得2007“中国名牌”的荣誉称号。它意味着烽火网络以太网交换机已经在国内业界成为具有影响力的品牌之一,同时标志着烽火网络在其自身发展上进入到又一新阶段。 September 2007 is a worthy celebration of the flames of the day, backed by the Wuhan Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Fiberhome network after many years of hard work, has made great achievements in brand building, the “F-engine ” brand Ethernet switchboard success Access to 2007 “China Famous Brand ” honorary title. It means that FiberHome Ethernet switches have become one of the most influential brands in the domestic industry, and meanwhile, FiberHub has entered another phase of its own development.
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