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近期,各个地产公司纷纷举办各种类型的公关活动,在与圈内人士的接触时,被问及最多的问题就是“你说我们还应该做什么样的活动啊?”盛世之时,大家忙着卖房,只有那些正在或者已经建立起品牌的公司才会考虑后期的影响力而举办一些活动,但大多也都集中于业主活动。淡市之际,行业许多人为了突围营销困局,而将希望一股脑地寄托在公关活动上。市场上雷同的公关活动泛滥,许多形式和内容根本不匹配企业和项目的气质,结果自然不尽人意,很多圈内人士也因此彷徨无措。针对这一市场需求,本期特别策划,笔者希望能借助以下成功的公关活动案例,为彷徨的人们提供些许参考,为单调的地产公关市场增添某些新鲜而惹人眼球的元素…… Recently, various real estate companies have organized various types of public relations activities, the most asked questions when in contact with the insiders is “You say we should do what kind of activities ah? ” At the age of prosperity, Everyone is busy selling houses, and only those companies that are or have already built their own brand will consider some of the latter’s influence and hold some activities, but most of them also focus on the owners’ activities. Light market, many people in the industry in order to break the marketing dilemma, and will hope that the public relations activities pinned on. The same public relations activities in the market are flooding. Many forms and contents do not match the temperament of enterprises and projects at all. The result is naturally unsatisfactory and many people in the circle are at a loss. In response to this market demand, this issue of special planning, I hope to use the following successful case of public relations activities, to provide a reference for those who are brave, for the monotonous real estate PR market to add some fresh and eye-catching elements ......
本文主要研究基于虚拟仪器技术的数据采集处理系统在离子迁移率谱仪(Ion Mobility Spectrometer,IMS)上的应用。通过使用美国NI公司生产的LabVIEW虚拟仪器软件开发平台进行设
本文利用根与系数关系、傅里叶级数、复数展开对∞∑n=1 1/n2的和给出的计算方法.
以2014年、2015年分别在江苏省18个地区种植的南粳9108稻谷为材料,测定其稻米直链淀粉含量和快速黏度仪(apid visco-analyzer,简称RVA)谱特征值,对不同地点南粳9108稻米直链
AIM:To evaluate the expression status of S-phase kinase-associated protein 2(Skp2)/cyclin-dependent kinases regulatory subunit 1(Cks1)and p27kip1,and assess the