Clinical Criteria for Airway Assessment: Correlations with Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation

来源 :麻醉学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumdk
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Difficult intubation, inadequate ventilation and esophageal intubation are the principal causes of death or brain damage related to airway manipulation. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to correlate a preanesthetic evaluation that may be ca
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在农村,母牛产犊后胎衣不下,时有发生。据笔者实践证明,以下两法确有疗效:  1.取白花丹(全草)、红蓖麻叶、倒扣草各250克。先将白花丹切碎,大火煮1小时,取其药液;把红蓖麻叶、倒扣草切碎捣烂,加洗米水3000毫升,然后冲入白花丹药液,连渣带水一起灌服。母牛服药后12小时左右即可排出胎衣。  2.取干糯米草1.5公斤(新鲜糯米草加倍),水煎,一次灌服,服后2~3小时胎衣即下。如未见效,可再服一次。
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