Platinum drugs: from Pt(Ⅱ) compounds, Pt(Ⅳ) prodrugs, to Pt nanocrystals/nanoclusters

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Platinum(Pt) based drugs, such as cisplatin, are widely used as anti-cancer agents, but their severe adverse reactions and resistance of cancer patients have limited their board clinical use. For the last few decades, Pt(Ⅱ) compounds, Pt(Ⅳ) prodrugs as well as smart drug delivery systems have been developed to overcome these problems. However, most conventional strategies rely on the similar anti-cancer mechanism with cisplatin and consequently only achieve limited success. Recently, Pt nanocrystals/nanoclusters(Pt NCs), with a brand new anti-cancer mechanism, have shown a promising potential in targeted cancer therapy, especially in Pt resistance circumvention. This review is helpful to understand the research strategies of Pt drugs, particularly, the recent developments and medical applications of Pt NCs. Platinum (Pt) based drugs, such as cisplatin, are widely used as anti-cancer agents, but their severe adverse reactions and resistance of cancer patients have limited their board clinical use. (Ⅳ) prodrugs as well as smart drug delivery systems have been developed to overcome these problems. However, the most conventional strategies rely on the similar anti-cancer mechanism with cisplatin and only achieve limited success. Recently, Pt nanocrystals / nanoclusters (Pt NCs ), with a brand new anti-cancer mechanism, have shown a promising potential in targeted cancer therapy, especially in Pt resistance circumvention. This review is helpful to understand the research strategies of Pt drugs, particularly, the recent developments and medical applications of Pt NCs.
取南水北调中线工程陶岔引水渠坡的膨胀土做试样,利用与电子计算机断层扫描X-Ray CT机配套使用的土工三轴仪,对圆柱孔破损重塑膨胀土样进行控制吸力为100kPa、200kPa和净围压
本规范批准为国防部各部门和机构应用。 This specification is approved for application by various departments and agencies of the Ministry of National Defense.
目前使用不透性石墨制造的换热器、三合一炉、石墨合成炉等设备,在盐酸和氯化氢等腐蚀性极强介质的生产中已获得了广泛的应用,但也存在着一些不足之处亟待改进。 (1) 不透性
授权公告号:CN 104369404B授权公告日:2017年2月1日专利权人:八亿橡胶有限责任公司发明人:洪剑、杨朔、徐祥越等本发明涉及一种在轮胎制造过程中使用的新型尼龙(锦纶)橡胶圈
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