Analysis of influence of RF power and buffer gas pressure on sensitivity of optically pumped cesium

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liust4258
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A further study is conducted on two factors which respectively influence the sensitivity of optically pumped cesium magnetometer(CsOPM).The influence of radio frequency(RF) power and the buffer gas pressure on the sensitivity is theoretically analyzed,and some properties are predicted.Based on the established measurement system and the visible Zeeman spectrum,not only is the real influence of these factors studied,but also,under our experimental condition,optimum parameters based on the measured curves are ascertained.The properties of these measured curves match the theoretical result very well.Our research attempts to provide theory reference to help magnetometer designers determine optimum parameters under certain conditions. The influence of radio frequency (RF) power and the buffer gas pressure on the sensitivity is theoretically analyzed, and some properties are predicted. on the established measurement system and the visible Zeeman spectrum, not only is the real influence of these factors studied, but also, under our experimental condition, optimum parameters based on the measured curves are ascertained.The properties of these measured curves match the theoretical result very well.Our research attempts to provide theory reference to help magnetometer designers determine optimum parameters under certain conditions.
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摘 要:文章就根治“三违”问题,在煤矿安全宣传教育的探索上,做出一系列行之有效的安全教育方法,着力转变全矿职工的安全观念,实现矿井的长治久安。  关键词:安全;宣传教育;方法  中图分类号:C915文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-8136(2010)08-0050-02    安全是煤矿工作永恒的主题,从大量的煤矿事故调查分析报告中,不难看出:煤矿企业在生产过程中发生的伤亡事故,多是由于一些不安
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