
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwerroo
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通过岩石薄片观察、扫描电镜、X-射线衍射以及碳氧同位素分析等岩矿测试分析手段研究了准噶尔盆地车排子地区下白垩统清水河组储层的成岩作用和储层物性的影响因素。准噶尔盆地车排子地区清水河组储层主要经历了压实作用,碳酸盐、方沸石、黄铁矿和黏土矿物胶结作用,以及局部少量的长石和石英的溶蚀作用。根据胶结物的占位关系确定了研究区清水河组储层成岩演化序列,即黄铁矿胶结—方沸石胶结—碳酸盐胶结—长石和石英溶蚀。根据自生碳酸盐矿物的氧同位素值确定了研究区碳酸盐胶结发生在早成岩阶段B期。车排子地区下白垩统清水河组储层成岩相分为以下6种类型:1砾岩胶结相;2砾岩杂基充填相;3(粉)砂岩弱—中压实相;4(粉)砂岩强压实相;5(粉)砂岩胶结相;6杂(粉)砂岩杂基充填相。准噶尔盆地车排子地区清水河组储层物性直接受控于3个因素:杂基含量、压实作用以及胶结作用。杂基含量主要受控于沉积相展布,辫状分流河道和水下分流河道微相杂基含量较低,而漫滩沼泽和水下分流河道间微相杂基含量较高。压实作用主要决定于地层的埋深,研究区东南部埋深较大,故压实作用更强。胶结作用的强度不易预测,但发生时的深度小于3 800m。最后提出了车排子地区清水河组储层物性主要影响因素的综合模式。 The diagenesis and reservoir physical properties of Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe formation in Chepaizi area of ​​Junggar Basin were studied by means of rock test, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. The Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in Chepaizi area of ​​Junggar Basin mainly experienced compaction, cementation of carbonate, analcime, pyrite and clay minerals, and dissolution of a small amount of feldspar and quartz. The sequence of diagenesis evolution of Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in the study area is determined according to the occupancy of the cements, namely the cementation of the pyrite, the cementation of the cemenite, the cementation of the carbonate cementation, and the dissolution of feldspar and quartz. According to the oxygen isotopic values ​​of the spontaneous carbonate minerals, the carbonate cementation occurred in the early diagenetic stage B in the study area. The diagenesis of Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation reservoir in Chepaizi area is divided into the following six types: 1 conglomerate conglomerate; 2 conglomerate conglomerate filling phase; 3 (weak) sandstone weak-medium compaction phase; 4 ) Strong sandstone compaction phase; 5 (powder) sandstone cemented phase; 6 miscellaneous (powder) sandstone miscellaneous filling phase. Reservoir physical properties of Qingshuihe Formation in Chepaizi area of ​​Junggar Basin are directly controlled by three factors: the content of miscellaneous groups, compaction and cementation. The content of the miscellaneous groups is mainly controlled by sedimentary facies distribution, while the content of the miscellaneous groups in the braided distributary channel and the underwater distributary channel is relatively low, while that of the microfacies in the floodplain and the underwater distributary channel is relatively high. The compaction is mainly determined by the depth of the strata. The depth of the southeast of the study area is larger, so the compaction effect is stronger. The strength of cementation is not easily predictable, but the depth at which it occurs is less than 3,800 m. Finally, a comprehensive model of the main influencing factors of reservoir physical properties in Chepaizi area is put forward.
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