Variable <i>β</i>-globin haplotypes in Saudi <i>β</

来源 :遗传学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libingyao2009
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Twenty two haplotypes were generated from a pool of 60 unrelated Saudi β thalassemia major patients using previously described restriction sites in the β globin gene. Linkage disequilibrium analysis of the polymorphic sites was also conducted, a few ident
(一) 我国水力资源相当丰富,可能开发的水力资源为3.79亿千瓦,年发电量1.92万亿度,居世界第一位。开发水力资源既经济又无污染,一次投资而可永续利用。兼收发电、防洪、灌溉
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