On Cultivating the Ability of Question

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  【Abstract】Questioning is the starting point and the power of human cognition and development.At present,most of students in our country have no awareness of questioning.In traditional teaching,teachers are accustomed to asking students questions,rather than to guide students to ask questions.How to develop students' awareness of questioning and enable students to ask questions is becoming a hot topic today.Therefore,I will discuss this topic with you.
  【Key words】teaching method;awareness of questioning;ability of asking
  1.Current Situation of Question-Raising and Its causes
  It is generally acknowledged that most ESL(English as a Second Language)students are less competent communicatively than they are linguistically.Many students have low confidence and feel unease when they speak English.Teachers need to provide more and better opportunities for students to develop oral skills and use these skills in active learning roles the classroom.It is also necessary for teachers to develop their questioning techniques to encourage their students to step into the active learning roles which both sides seem to want.
  There are many reasons for the problem.They may be a dull textbook,a dark classroom,unpleasant topic,etc.However,as far as teachers are concerned,the causes for students’ lack of question-raising competence can be summarized as two aspects of teachers and students.For students’ aspect,the cause is the psychological barrier of students which is caused by the authority of the teacher,students’ own personality of shyness and timidness,and the lack of learning interest.For teachers’ aspect,is can be summarized like this:traditional teacher centered instruction and teachers’ problematic questioning.Therefore students are seldom given any chances to use the target language.Moreover,in teacher-centered classrooms,students are rather passive.
  2.Methods of Cultivating Ability of Questioning
  2.1 To Stimulate Students' Interest and Create the Atmosphere
  People all know that interest is our best teacher.The teacher should arouse the students’ interest first to lit their inner seeking knowledge desire and promote their active thinking.Realistically,even if the students’ questions are without purpose.We should give students a smile,because if the teacher does not give them correct guidance,it will cool their enthusiasm on seeking knowledge and missing the best opportunity of training students' self-study ability.   2.2 To Give Students Methods and Encouragement
  2.2.1 To Give More Praise and Award to Students
  After students ask questions,if the teacher does not attach importance to commend them,it will make students more and more reluctant to ask questions.Afterwards their enthusiasm,passion and ability of questioning will be weakened,and the good quality of learning is difficult to form.So I really think it is necessary for teachers to check and give support and encouragement to those students who can put forward questions when they preview the context.As far as I am concerned,every student wants to be praised,so it is a good way to commend them in the presence of all class.If it is possible,give them small reward to stimulate their desire to raise questions.In addition,to set up a competitive group can also work.In such an incentive learning environment,the students who did not want to ask questions in the past slowly learned how to ask and start raise questions proactively.
  2.2.2 To Create the Situation and Let Students Play a Full Role
  It is obvious that many students are passive in English learning today,they are not active to achieve their learning goals unless teachers or parents ask them to do so.Students are accustomed to passively and unconditionally accept the knowledge imparted by teachers or textbooks,and reluctant to question teachers or textbooks even sometimes teachers make mistakes.What they want to do is not getting knowledge by exploring or questioning by themselves but accepting a unified standard answer from the teacher,so that they can meet through a variety of examinations.In fact,this is the negative impact of examination-oriented education to the students.While quality education is to mobilize the initiative of all students,it stresses that students play the main role and teachers may enable students to participate in the teaching process and obtain the all-round development.In fact,the teacher’s emphasis on students’ ability of questioning precisely mobilize their motivation to learn English and it is an important way of training students' sense of innovation.Therefore,teachers should strive to create a pleasant situation,to make students feel comfortable and in the best state of learning.
  In short,if we want to develop students’ awareness of questioning and innovation,we should focus on cultivating students’ ability of questioning.Training their ability of questioning during middle school English teaching cannot only increase the efficiency of teaching,develop students’ ability of English speaking,but also cultivate the ability of individual thinking and innovation.Teachers can give support and encouragement to these students who are good at thinking and questioning.Bringing students to the field of questioning is to open the door of thinking.Students may have more interests in English learning because they can express themselves and their abilities of listening,speaking,reading and thinking are developed.Our English class can be full of happiness.
  [1]Harmer,J.(2000)How to teach English[M].Foreign Language and Research Press.
  [2]Scrivener,J.(2002)Learning Teaching—A Guidebook for English Language Teachers[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
  [3]Wang Qiang.(2000)A Course in English Language Teaching[M].Higher Education Press.
【Abstract】The circumstance of learnt bahaviour which is carried from one language to another is considered as language transfer(Richards & Schmidt,2002).As Chinese and English are from different langu
【摘要】语文写作教学是语文教学的重点和难点,除了培养写作兴趣外,我个人认为还要多思、多看、多写、多练,这样才能有效提高写作水平。  【关键词】语文;写作;提高  多读就是要多读优秀范文,其实人类知识、经验的获得一大部分都是靠学习借鉴得到的。通过读既可以积累材料,又可以借鉴他人好的写作方法,这是写好作文的基础。  多看就是要学会观察,这是人在借鉴他人基础上的提高,是直接经验的获得。要学会观察社会、生
教材分析  一棵“顽强”的小树,将带领学生研究植物适应环境的几个特性:根总是向下生长,根朝着有水的地方生长,植物的茎、叶总朝着光生长;同时激发他们继续研究的热情。由于有些植物在日常生活中不易直接观察到,因此课前可要求学生根据教学内容搜集相关的资料,培养学生主动学习的意识,提高学生搜集资料的能力和交流表达的能力,在这个过程中激发保护环境的热情。  学情分析  六年级学生对自然抱有着极大的兴趣,他们对
【摘要】音乐教育能陶冶人的情操,对于中职生综合素质培养发挥着积极的作用。本文从教学实际出发,从有目的的实施教学,引入导入式教学、培养学生的音乐创造力和参与表演能力等几个方面着手,来培养他们对音乐鉴赏课的兴趣,树立健康的情感,拓宽艺术视野,促进全面发展。  【关键词】中职音乐鉴赏课;导入;兴趣培养;创造力;实践  音乐鉴赏是以音乐审美为核心的人文科学综合课,是通过聆听音乐作品,感受音乐的思想、情感、
【摘要】传统的课堂老师平铺直叙,以讲为主,学生更多的是被动接受,存在的弊端日夜显现,认识到对这种模式改进的迫切性,从而引出要在教学中充分发挥老师的“导学”作用的必要性!在“导学”的模式下:教师与学生的角色要转换,培养学生的自主意识;进行学习方法指导,让学生学会学习;创设和谐的教学环境;进行素质教育,培养学生综合能力。  【关键词】角色的转变;自主意识;探索规律;培养兴趣;激发思维;和谐的教学环境 
【摘要】高中音乐鉴赏不仅能够让学生掌握基本的音乐知识,还能够帮助提高学生的审美能力,在高中生美育方面具有不可替代的作用。但是作为非高考科目,高中音乐鉴赏课一直处在十分尴尬的境地,没有得到足够重视,因而缺乏严格的教学目标、课程安排以及有效的教学方法。本文就高中音乐鉴赏教学的有效方法进行了探讨,旨在为改善当前高中音乐鉴赏教学质量提供有效的方法指导。  【关键词】高中音乐;鉴赏教学;方法  音乐鉴赏课涵
进入21世纪以来,我们已经进入了知识经济和“信息爆炸”的时代。各地都在进行教育的课程改革以迎接知识经济的挑战。我国的基础教育经过七次课程改革,取得了巨大的成就。然而,目前我国基础教育的现状同时代发展的要求之间还存在着巨大的反差。在此背景下,我国正在进行新课程改革。  在新的音乐课程标准中,明确提出了“提倡学科综合”的新理念。它体现了现代教育的一种发展趋势,从而使音乐教育具有参与性、情感性和愉悦性。