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我这“别墅”孤零零突兀兀地坐落在老山的一个不显眼的高坡上。春节过了,满地野草一齐都发了新芽。其中还杂生着一些不知名的红色小野花;入夏之后,又冒出一批白色的来。我也不曾怎么在意,而到了秋天,屋前忽然长满了野菊花,大片大片的金黄,像地毯似地铺满我大门口。天天看电视,近见银屏上一位记者在马路上拦住一位中年模样的行人,问道:“你认为怎样才算幸福?”这位行人稍愣了一下,面对摄影机说:“有一套别墅呗!”诚然是真话,衣食住行,人生四要。现在衣食早已无虞了。行也不算大问题,出门有四通八达的公交车;自行车容易被偷,那么如果自备小轿车则最妙,当然停车是不大方便的。还是住最难称意,如今四十上下的人的住房多是父母辈的福利遗泽,否则就只得租 My “villa” stands alone in an obscure high slope on the old mountain. After the Spring Festival, all over the weeds have made new shoots. Among them are also miscellaneous with some unknown red wildflowers; into the summer, they emerge a group of white. I did not care how, but in the autumn, the house suddenly covered with wild chrysanthemums, large tracts of golden, like a carpet covered my door. Watching TV every day, a reporter on the close screen stopped a middle-aged pedestrian on the road and asked: “What do you think of happiness?” “The pedestrian looked a little stunned and said to the camera: ”There is a villa chanting! " It is true that the truth, basic necessities, life four. Now that food and clothing is already in full bloom. Line is not a big problem, go out bus extending in all directions; bicycle easy to be stolen, then if you bring the best car, of course, parking is not convenient. Still living the most difficult to live in, and now up and down the forty people living more than the welfare of their parents left, otherwise they have to rent
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读者来信: 哈尔滨市某小学的王教师来信说:“我是某小学的历史教师。去年的一天,我在走廊听到两名六年级的男同学说脏话,就上前制止。不料这两个男生不但不听,还用一些不堪
传统的教案是在备内容、备学生、备方法的备课要求和工作计划逐步落实的基础上对一节课的教学设计方案 ,这里的备方法是指在备内容和备学生的前提下的备教法 .而现代教学论认
2001年7月,是司法救助实施一周年的日子。作为我国诉讼制度的重要组成部分,司法救助正被越来越多的老百姓所了解。但是比起法律援助,司法救助距离人们尚有一段距离。 July 2
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