Canadian Undergrads Say They Are Stressed

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我在清华大学教书,同时还兼任班主任工作。我和学生接触比较多。特别是刚入学的新生。所以,当我在网上读到此文时,产生了强烈共鸣,觉得很有必要将此文推荐给更多的读者。大一学生在入学的短暂的兴奋之后。各种问题和冲突便接踵而来,精神压力巨大。本文用who are suffering来形容大一学生,并非危言耸听,女生尤烈。 Distress levels also decreased with each year of undergraduate study, and with increasing involvement in parties, athletics, and recreation. 此言千真万确。此言同时告诉我们:鼓励学子得到increasing involvement in parties,athletics,and recreation是何等重要。 读者朋友,你的子女若刚刚跨入大学之门,本文的这句话可得牢记: If you have children who are in college,be supportive,be nurturing(给予足够的营养)and look for signs. I teach at Tsinghua University and also work as head teacher. I have more contact with students. Especially freshmen who just entered school. So, when I read this article on the Internet, there was a strong resonance and I felt that it was necessary to recommend this article to more readers. Freshman students after the short-term excitement of enrollment. All kinds of problems and conflicts have come one after another, and the pressure is tremendous. This article uses who are suffering to describe first-year students. It is not an alarmist. Distress levels also including with each year of undergraduate study, and with increasing involvement in parties, athletics, and recreation. This statement also tells us: encouraging students to gain the interest of involvement involvement in parties,athletics, and recreation. Readers and friends, if your children have just entered the gates of the university, this sentence can be remembered: If you have children who are in college, be supportive, be nurturing (given adequate nutrition) and look for signs.
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