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证券市场是按价值规律进行证券交易的场所,其发展有助于促进资金的合理流动和资源的合理配置,有助于促进市场要素的优化组合,提高资源使用效率。1997年初,在内外因素作用下,我国证券市场呈现出一片繁荣景象,向规范化、国际化迈进了一大步。 一、促进证券市场发展的有利因素 1、良好的经济环境是证券市场发展的有利基础。1996年,我国国民经济成功地实现软着陆,以治理通货膨胀为主要任务的宏观调控目的达到预期目标,国民经 The securities market is a place for securities trading according to the law of value. Its development helps to promote the rational flow of funds and the rational allocation of resources, and helps to promote the optimal combination of market factors and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. At the beginning of 1997, under the influence of internal and external factors, the securities market in our country showed a prosperous scene and a big step toward standardization and internationalization. I. Favorable Factors for Promoting the Development of the Securities Market 1. A sound economic environment is a favorable foundation for the development of the securities market. In 1996, China’s national economy successfully achieved a soft landing and the purpose of macroeconomic regulation with the main task of controlling inflation was to achieve its desired goal. The national economy
BACKGROUND: The risk of placenta previa and accreta is increased in females wi th previous cesarean deliveries, and there has been an increasing number of thes
Objective: We tested the hypothesis that the three clinical phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) represent forms of the same metabolic disorder. Desig
目的 探讨肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNF-α)基因启动子-308G>A、-850C>T多态性与妊娠期高血压疾病的相关性. 方法应用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性技术检测106例患者和108名健康孕妇的 TNF-α基因启动子-308G>A、-850C>T多态性.对两组之间的基因型频率和等位基因频率进行比较.结果 TNF-α基因启动子-308位点
飞行学员先天性心脏病一例王国良刘平郑晓艳董春美【关键词】(Keywords)体格检查(Physicalexamination)先天性心脏病(Congenitalheartdiseases)【中国图书资料分类法分类号】R851.3一、临床资料飞行学员,... A case of flying students conge