
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsq_1123
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0引言随着社会老龄化的到来,妇女在绝经后的寿命也将逐渐延长。根据多数国家的调查报告,妇女的绝经年龄城市约在50岁,农村约45岁左右。长寿妇女约有1/3或更长的生命是在绝经后期渡过的。老年性骨质疏松(osteoporosis,OP),将随之而来的成为威胁老年女性的一种常 0 Introduction With the advent of social aging, women’s life expectancy will gradually extend after menopause. According to the survey of most countries, women’s menopause age is about 50 years old and about 45 years old in rural areas. Approximately one third or more of the longevity women spend their lives in the late menopause. Elderly osteoporosis (OP), which will subsequently become a constant threat to older women
BACKGROUND:At present,treatment of burn is not only to save life and promote healing of wound surface,but lateral rehabilitation and problems about returning to
BACKGROUND:When traditional micronized skin is used to treat granulation wound at surface of burn,new injury is caused.In implantation of micronized skin,operat
BACKGROUND:The chief target of rehabilitation care intervention to the craniocerebral trauma patients is to regain the function to the most limits, decrease the
AIM:To study the relationship between the expression of Fas/FasL protein and apoptosis in rats after renal ischemia/reperfusion. METHODS:Establish the models of
0 引言rn慢性充血性心力衰竭改善心功能等治疗很重要,但药物对生存质量的影响也非常重要.在心力衰竭患者中,肾素、血管紧张素和交感神经系统被激活促使患者病情恶化.本院通过
0 引言rn影像学检查基本能够反映骨质疏松的病理变化及椎体压缩变形的程度,但普通X线片相关征象出现较晚,双能X线吸收法、定量超声、定量CT和定量MRI等骨密度检测法虽敏感性