
来源 :经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kisscase
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文章认为,地区差距扩大是世界各国在工业化过程中出现的共同现象,我国也不例外。差距的扩大,不仅表现在东西部之间,还表现在新兴工业化地区和老工业区之间,东南沿海内部次区域之间。作者认为差距扩大既有积极因素,也有消极因素,总的看是积极因素大于消极因素。对此作者作了详尽分析。在缩小差距的思路和改革对策方面,作者特别提出,要改革按东中西划分经济区的作法,实行贯通东西的轴线开发战略;在西部培育增长极,在增长极上再现特区效应;建立以非国有经济为主体的所有制结构和轻重并举的产业结构;在西部建立证券交易所等。最后,作者认为,缩小差距是一个长过程,从发达国家的经验看,差不多都经过了100多年的时间才逐步缩小。对缩小差距要有一个清醒的认识,不能急于求成。根据目前形成的格局,差距缩小只能分步进行。 The article holds that the widening of regional disparity is a common phenomenon that all countries in the world appear in the process of industrialization, and our country is no exception. The gap widened not only between the east and the west, but also between the newly industrialized and the old industrialized regions and between the subregions of the southeast coast. The author believes that there are both positive and negative factors in expanding the gap. In general, the positive factor is greater than the negative one. The author made a detailed analysis. In terms of narrowing down the gap and reforming measures, the author puts forward in particular the need to reform the strategy of dividing the economic zone according to the East, the West and the East, implement an axis development strategy that runs through the West and East and West; cultivate a growth pole in the west and reproduce the special zone effect on the growth pole; The state-owned economy as the mainstay of the ownership structure and severity of the industrial structure; the establishment of stock exchanges in the west. Finally, the author believes that narrowing the gap is a long process. From the experience of developed countries, almost 100 years have passed since it was gradually narrowed. There must be a clear understanding of closing the gap and we can not rush for success. According to the current pattern of formation, the gap can only be reduced step by step.
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