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目的:对骨伤医院危重症监护(ICU)病房潜在医疗风险进行系统分析,探讨防控措施。方法:以2013年4月~2014年3月浙江省舟山市中医骨伤联合医院危重症监护病房收治的90例患者为对照组,对其实施常规护理,分析护理过程中存在的医疗风险,制定防控措施;2014年4月开始实施防控措施,以此间收治的90例患者为观察组。比较两组医疗差错发生情况和患者满意度。结果:对照组发生护理差错6起,发生率6.67%;观察组发生护理差错1起,发生率1.11%。两组比较,差异明显(P<0.05)。对照组护理满意度明显低于观察组(P<0.05)。结论:对骨伤医院危重症监护(ICU)病房加强风险管理,可以有效提高患者满意度,减少医疗差错的发生。 OBJECTIVE: To systematically analyze the potential medical risks in critical care unit (ICU) ward of the orthopedic hospital and discuss the prevention and control measures. Methods: From April 2013 to March 2014, 90 patients admitted to the Critical Care Unit of the Chinese Medical Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital of Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province were selected as the control group. The patients were given routine nursing care and the medical risks in the course of nursing were analyzed. Prevention and control measures; April 2014 began to implement prevention and control measures, with 90 patients treated for the observation group. The incidence of medical errors and patient satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results: In the control group, 6 nursing errors occurred, the incidence rate was 6.67%. In the observation group, 1 nursing error occurred, the incidence rate was 1.11%. The difference between the two groups was significant (P <0.05). The nursing satisfaction of the control group was significantly lower than that of the observation group (P <0.05). Conclusion: To strengthen the risk management in intensive care unit (ICU) ward in orthopedic hospital can effectively improve patient satisfaction and reduce the occurrence of medical errors.
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