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自从一九九四年七月,世界三大男高音歌王在洛杉矶开始他们的首度合作以来,三大歌王的联袂出演已成为“超级印钞机”的代名词。想想歌迷也实在太不争气,明明知道这三个“走穴大王”如今已是气数将尽(无论是嗓音与扮相,目前一流的歌剧演出节目单中已难见这三人的名字),但却依然不吝啬金钱与掌声。在这里,名气成为决定一切的因素,即使嗓音退步到了哪怕是三流歌手的水准,但只要是这三个人的名字一起出现,便是票房最有力的保证。今年三大歌王未能免俗,再次在巴黎亮相,甚至在上海,也已开始有人对这场演出评头论足,说三道四,不过迪卡(DECCA)公司的唱片,不管是正版还是盗版,照样卖得很好。这当中的原因,除了三大歌王名气的杀伤力,歌剧艺术不够普及是一个主要因素。绝大多数的人视歌剧如畏途,平时歌剧音乐连碰也不碰,难得有这样一次演出,操办者将最好听的曲目炒成一盘莱端上来,岂有不喜欢的道理。另外,在大多数爱乐人的记忆中,除了帕瓦罗蒂、多明戈、卡雷拉斯之外,大概也没有其他世界一线歌唱家的名字了。 Since July, 1994, the world’s three major tenor kings have started their first collaboration in Los Angeles, the co-star performances of the three major kings have become synonymous with the “super banknote printing machine.” It is too disappointing to think about the fans, knowing that these three “Away Kings ” is now exhausted (both voice and appearance, the current top-rated opera performance program has been difficult to see these three names) , But still generous money and applause. Here, fame has become the deciding factor, even if the voice back to even the third-rate singer’s level, but as long as these three names appear together, is the box office’s most powerful guarantee. This year the three song kings failed to escape the appearances again in Paris, even in Shanghai, some people have begun to comment on this show, to make irresponsible remarks, but Decca (DECCA) records, whether genuine or pirated, still selling well. The reason for this is that, apart from the lethality of the three song kings, the lack of popularization of opera art is a major factor. The overwhelming majority of people regard the opera as fearless and often do not touch the opera music. It is rare for such a performance to be performed. The operator should speculate on the best track he has heard and discourage it. In addition, most of the Philharmonic’s memory, in addition to Pavarotti, Domingo, Carreras, there probably is no other world first-line singer’s name.
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