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本刊今年第4期刊发了一篇《球罐放空管断裂事故分析》文章。期刊出版后。读者立即反映,该文章疑似抄袭本刊2002年第3期姚建先生《球罐顶部放空管断裂事故分析》一文。根据读者的反映,我们立即进行了核对,除大标题设置上少了“顶部”两字外,文中小标题设置与顺序完全一样,即事故情况、事故调查分析、受力分析计算、事故结论、几点建议。特别是设备参数、几何尺寸、计算数据、文字叙述与层次等也完全一样,仅是事故发生的时间与地点不同。姚建先生的文章分析的是昆明市某磷肥厂的1台400m~3氮气球罐,事故发生时间虽未明确,但肯定在2002年之前;今年第4期文章分析的是沈阳市某磷肥厂的1台400m3氮气球罐,事故发生时间是2006年3月27日。设备参数、几何尺寸相同可以理解,但同一个部件在相同的条件下(因检修需要,在降压放空排气时)发生相同事故,而且不同人员对此事故分析文字、内容完全一样则使人无法理解。唯一的解释,今年第4期文章的作者抄袭了2002年第3期刊发姚建先生的文章。 This issue No. 4 this year, published a “spherical tank vent pipe fracture analysis” article. After the publication of journals Readers immediately reflect the article suspected plagiarism magazine 2002 third period Mr. Yao Jian “spherical tank top vent tube rupture accident analysis” a text. According to the reader’s reaction, we immediately conducted a check, in addition to the title set on the less “Top ” two words, the text in the title and set exactly the same sequence, that accident, accident investigation and analysis, stress analysis and calculation, accident Conclusion, a few suggestions. In particular, the equipment parameters, geometric dimensions, calculation data, text descriptions and levels are exactly the same, only the time and place of the accident are different. Mr. Yao Jian article analysis of a phosphate fertilizer plant in Kunming, a Taiwan 400m ~ 3 nitrogen balloon tank, although the time of the accident is not yet clear, but certainly before 2002; the fourth of this article analysis of a phosphate fertilizer plant in Shenyang City Of a 400m3 nitrogen balloon tank, the accident occurred on March 27, 2006. Equipment parameters, the same geometry can be understood, but the same parts under the same conditions (due to maintenance needs, venting in the vacuum bleed) the same accident occurred, and different personnel analysis of the accident on the text, the content is exactly the same people Unable to understand. The only explanation is that the author of the fourth issue of this year copied the article published by Mr. Yao Jian in No. 3 of 2002.
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黄山学校创办于1998年,是黄山市第一所以英语教育为特色,集小学、初中、高中为一体的十二年一贯制的寄宿型市直民办学校。学校坐落在黄山之麓,新安江畔,市府莲花广场内。 Hu
“企业的优势,首先是产品是否有优势,而产品优势恰恰是通过市场份额来体现的。” 这是到杭州民生药业集团公司采访,总经理竺福江开门见山亮出的观点。 作为一家具有70年历史
中国标准连续出版物号ISSN 1001-2206,CN 12-1093/TE。邮发代号6-51,每期定价15元。全国各地邮局均可订阅,也可直接与本刊编辑部联系订阅。基本概况:《石油工程建设》杂志为