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生活中的官司形形色色,输官司的情况更是原因各异,可最令当事人痛心的莫过于明明有理,却徒费了大量的时间和财力,最终被法院一纸判决驳回诉讼请求。其实原因很简单,起诉超过了诉讼时效。为确保自己的合法权益不受侵害,当事人应当了解日常诉讼时效法律知识。《民法通则》规定,向人民法院请求保护民事权利的诉讼时效期间为二年,法律另有规定的除外。下列诉讼时效期间为一年:(一)身体受到伤害要求赔偿的;(二)出售质量不合格的商品未声明的;(三)延付或拒付租金的;(四)寄存财物被丢失或者损毁的。诉讼时效期间从知道或应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。但是,从权利被侵害之日起超过二十年 Lawsuits of all kinds in life, the case of losing the case is even more for different reasons, the parties can be the most distressing than a reasonable, but only a lot of time and money spent fee, was eventually dismissed by a court decision a motion of lawsuit. Actually the reason is very simple, the prosecution exceeds the limitation of action. In order to ensure that their legal rights and interests are not infringed upon, the parties should understand the legal knowledge of the limitation of daily actions. The “General Principles of Civil Law” stipulates that the limitation of action for requesting a civil court for protection of civil rights is two years, unless otherwise provided by law. The period of limitation for the following actions shall be one year: (1) the body is injured to claim compensation; (2) the unsaleable sale of the unqualified product; (3) the delay or refusal to pay the rent; (4) the deposit of the lost property or Damaged The period of limitation of action shall be calculated from the time when the right is known or should have been known. However, more than two decades have passed since the rights were violated
山东卷第Ⅰ卷(共36分)一、(15分,每小题3分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A.仲裁(zhòng)阿谀(ē)入场券(quàn)捕风捉影(pǔ) B.袅娜(nuó)勒紧(lēi)嚼舌头(
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目的:模拟下颌第一磨牙Ⅰ类洞深龋,计算机分析得到修复体最佳应力分布时基底材料与修复材料厚度比例。方法 采用三维有限元法建立数值模型,利用SAP84(V4.2)程序计算并作力学
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编辑同志:   我与儿子分家已 32年,他借资办厂我全不知情,也从未用过他一分钱。如今他因亏欠借款 5万元弃厂而走,有关部门发文要每月扣我的退休金来偿还,严重影响到我老两口的生