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“河北紫荆关—大河南地区金银多金属成矿规律研究”,是地质矿产部原直管局下达的定向科研项目(编号:直科定94—02),由石家庄经济学院负责、河北地质矿产勘查院保定工作部协作。旨在通过对阜平变质核杂岩北东倾伏端重要成矿预测区开展综合研究,总结成矿规律,进行成矿预测,指导新一轮地质找矿勘(查)探。项目组在充分收集已有资料的基础上,创新性地应用现代地质科学的新理论、新技术、新方法,经过大量野外地质调查、室内整理、综合分析,在区域地质演化、成矿物质来源、迁移途径、成矿控矿作用及成矿规律、找矿方向、靶区预测等方面均取得了重要进展。 “Research on gold and silver polymetallic metallogenic regularity in Hebei Zijinguan - Greater Henan area” is a directional scientific research project issued by the former Directorate of Geology and Mineral Resources (code: Zhikongding 94-02), is in charge of by Shijiazhuang University of Economics, Collaboration with the Baoding Department of Mineral Exploration. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comprehensive study on the important ore-forming prediction area of ​​the North East Piling in the Fuping metamorphic core complex, summarize the metallogenic regularity, carry out metallogenic prediction and guide a new round of geological prospecting exploration. Based on the full collection of the existing data, the project team innovatively applied the new theories, new techniques and new methods of modern geosciences. After extensive field geological survey, indoor consolidation and comprehensive analysis, the project team has made great achievements in regional geological evolution, metallogenic material sources , Migration route, metallogenic and ore-controlling role and metallogenic regularity, prospecting direction and target area prediction.
To discuss the feasibility of gene therapy of human glioma by antiangiogenesis method Methods Angiostatin K(1 3) cDNA with secretive signal was inserted int
1 病例介绍例 1 患者 32岁。近 1a来因下腹疼痛在当地医院按宫颈炎治疗效果欠佳。半月前在我院妇查发现宫颈突出一核桃大的肿物 ,于 1998年 8月 2 4日入院。患者月经规律 ,
1993年至1997年7月 ,我院共进行胃镜检查7811例 ,其中食管贲门癌术后204例(2.6 %)现报道分析如下 :1.临床资料 :204例中男142例 ,女62例 ,男女之比为2.29:1,年龄39~72岁 ,平均55岁。胃镜检查时间为术后2个月~15年不等 ,中位? 1
为了解乡村医生肿瘤学知识现状 ,探讨初级肿瘤学教育方法 ,普及肿瘤防治知识与技术 ,我们以知识讲座形式 ,对莱州市乡村医生开展了肿瘤学教育。对象与方法1999年8月6日至11月12日 ,我们