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心理健康教育是学校文化的重要组成部分,良好的心理氛围可以促进人际关系和谐,使学校处处产生美的视觉、美的生活以及美的教育,从而提高师生的生命质量。依据现代教育发展要求,将学校长期以来形成的人文精神、行为方式和价值取向等文化积淀,与心理健康教育特色建设融为一体,深入进行科学、系统、规范地研究,是潘南小学形成和发展学校品牌的文化基础。以学校文化品牌为背景进行心理健康教育特色研究,是潘南小学学校发展的战略思考。 Mental health education is an important part of the school culture. A good psychological atmosphere can promote the harmonious interpersonal relationship, and make the school produce visual beauty, beautiful life and aesthetic education everywhere so as to improve the quality of life of teachers and students. According to the requirements of the development of modern education, the long-established cultural heritage of humanistic spirit, behavior and value orientation, integrated with the characteristics of mental health education, in-depth scientific, systematic and normative research is the formation of Pannan Primary School Develop the cultural foundation of the school brand. The research on the characteristics of mental health education with the background of school culture brand is the strategic thinking of the development of the school in Pannan Primary School.
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