Stability Analysis of a Multi-holes Shell Under Axial Compression

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyuiyigjghj
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The paper presents a multi-holes shell with one hundred and eighty circular holes which has been used in engineering.Using a buckling module of the finite element analysis software,stability behavior and destroy mode along geometry parameters are studied.Results show the destroy mode depends on the geometry parameter greatly.Curves of buckling critical load and strength limited load along geometry parameters have a point of intersection.The point implies the multi-holes shell has different destroy mode and the value of point is change in geometry parameters. The paper presents a multi-holes shell with one hundred and eighty circular holes which has been used in engineering. Using a buckling module of the finite element analysis software, stability behavior and destroy mode along geometry parameters are studied. Results show the destroy mode depends on the geometry parameter greatly.Curves of buckling critical load and strength limited load along geometry parameters have a point of intersection. The point implies the multi-holes shell has different destroy mode and the value of point is change in geometry parameters.
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在综合分析了筒形件少废料深拉延工艺基本特征及力学特性基础上 ,分析了采用方形坯料深拉延筒形件时金属流动规律 ,提出了一种优化扇形压边力系数的方法 .优化计算结果与实验
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