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将工业生产的废水、废渣制成清洁的生物天然气,正可谓一举两得。而其规模化推广,正在遭遇原料和政策的双重瓶颈。2013年1月,虽然24节气中的“立春”尚未到来,但位于广西省南宁市的武鸣县,却感受不到冬天的寒意。这里常年气候温和,雨量充沛,因此成为木薯、甘蔗等经济作物的优良产地。安宁淀粉有限责任公司(以下简称“安宁淀粉公司”)就坐落于此,这原是一家传统的木薯加工企业。 The industrial production of waste water, waste into a clean bio-natural gas, can be described as double benefit. While its large-scale promotion, is facing double the bottleneck of raw materials and policies. In January 2013, although the “Spring of Spring” in the 24 solar terms has not yet arrived, Wuming County, located in Nanning City, Guangxi Province, can not feel the chill of winter. Here a mild climate all year round, abundant rainfall, so as cassava, sugar cane and other good crops of good origin. Anning starch limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “peaceful starch company”) is located here, which was originally a traditional cassava processing enterprises.
2004年,山东淄博市淄川区蒲家庄接待了近40万名世界各地的参观者。一个小山村何以有如此的魅力?就是这个蒲家庄,过去诞生过被称为“世界短片小说之王”的中国清代著名文学家蒲松龄;现在,蒲松龄的子孙们把老祖宗的聊斋文化融入到旅游之中,成了遐迩闻名的旅游专业村,这一切与蒲松龄的第12代孙、蒲家庄现在的党委书记、村委会主任蒲长春是分不开的。    为社会做一点事情    “人生活在社会中,就要为社会做一点
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