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【新華社北京九日電】此間人民日報今日以‘正確解决婚姻制度問題’爲題發表社論,全文如下:老解放區農村中普遍存在着反封建婚姻制度的緊張鬥爭。本報今日的報道,部分都反映了這一問題的嚴重情况。這個問題的關鍵,是許多男同胞和一部分男幹部對於婦女要求婚姻自由的錯誤守舊態度。他們的荒謬‘理論’是:‘婚姻自由了,天下要大亂!’是不是婚姻自由了,‘天下’真會‘大亂’呢?是不是保持封建婚姻制度,天下就不大亂了呢? 不是的!封建的婚姻制度才是婚姻關係中‘天下大亂’的根源,只有婚姻自由了,才能使‘天下’從‘亂’進到‘不亂’。爲什麽? 因爲封建婚姻制度是隨封建社會而生,它自然也必須隨封建社會的死亡而死亡。這是歷史的鐵則。在老解放區,作爲封建社會的經濟基礎的封建土地制度已經消滅了,作爲封建社會的政治秩序的地主統治也已經消滅 [Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 9] The People’s Daily here today published an editorial titled ’Correctly Solving the Problem of Marriage System’. The full text is as follows: The anti-feudal marriage system prevailed in the countryside in the old liberated areas. As reported by the newspaper today, some of the cases reflect the grave situation on this issue. The crux of the issue is the erroneous old-fashioned attitudes of many male compatriots and some male cadres about the freedom of women to marry. Their ridiculous’ theory ’is:’ Marriage is free, the world is going to be chaos! ’Is it not freedom of marriage?’ The world will really ’mess up’? Is not to maintain the feudal marriage system, the world is not chaos it The feudal system of marriage is the root cause of the chaos in the world in marriage. Only when the marriage is free can the world make its way from chaos to chaos. Why? Because feudal marriage was born with the feudal society, it must naturally die with the feudal society. This is the iron rule of history. In the old liberated areas, the system of feudal land as the economic foundation of the feudal society has been eliminated, and the rule of landowners, the political order of the feudal society, has also been eliminated
(三)选择溶氧充足的时机出钓 1.晴天氧足:晴天光照时数长。水中绿色植物光合作用强,向水中放氧多,吸收水中的二氧化碳也多。利于鱼类的索饵活动。例如,1986年6月~9月,湖北省
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