Nanowear of a Zr Based Bulk Metallic Glass/Nanocrystalline Alloy

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y4o1999
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The hardness, elastic modulus, nano-scratch resistance and wear depth for a bulk metallic glass of and its partial crystallization alloys have been measured by using nanoindentation method. The results showed that partial crystallization did not influence the reduced elastic modulus but increased the hardness, and then increased the scratch coefficient. The scratch coefficient increased linearly with increasing the hardness H but decreases when W>6.2GPa. Partial crystallization decreased evidently the wear depth, and when the load was large the wear depth decreased with increasing the hardness. The hardness, elastic modulus, nano-scratch resistance and wear depth for a bulk metallic glass of and its partial crystallization of metals have been measured by using nanoindentation method. The results showed that partial resin did not affect the reduced elastic modulus but increased the hardness, The scratch coefficient increased linearly with increasing the hardness H but decreases when W> 6.2 GPa. Partial crystallization decreased evidently the wear depth, and when the load was large the wear depth decreased with increasing the hardness.
The positron lifetime spectra of several Al_(93.3-x)Fe_(4.3)V_(0.7)Si_(1.7)Mm_x (x=0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, atom fraction) alloyswith different content of misch metal
远和近你,一会看我,一会看云。我觉得你看我时很远,你看云时很近。 (载于1979年《诗刊》十月号) Far and near you, a look at me, a look at the cloud. I think when you
在全球化、工业化、市场化、信息化、城镇化时代,有许多扑面而来的社会因素为学校德育注入新的活力,同时也带来新的挑战。根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》要求,学校德育要善于针对现实情况,遵循内在逻辑,提升薄弱层面,完成紧迫任务,充分体现学校德育的规律性、时代性、针对性、引领性。    一、课程育人  课堂教学是学校教育的中心,是学生道德认知、道德情感培养的主要途径。教育部
3 供油系统潍坊柴油机厂61212A型喷油泵调速器总成可配用于该厂各种型号的6160A柴油机,该泵属于国产Z系列直列合成式柱塞泵。喷油泵只改变供油调整参数,调速器仅改变少数零
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