
来源 :老同志之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiwang1998
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1945年12月,李广法参加革命。参加过解放太原、贵州剿匪、抗美援朝等战役,荣立过大功。1983年《老同志之友》创刊后,他就开始订阅,30多年来从未间断过。每期刊物到来后,他都细细阅读,参与年度阅读知识竞赛更是年年不落,让他高兴的是还获得过三等奖。2013年,他患上了肺癌。在得病的近四年里,他唯一坚持的就是按时看《老同志之 In December 1945, Li Guangfa joined the revolution. Participated in the liberation of Taiyuan, Guizhou bandits, the war against the United States and aid the North Korea, won the great merit. He started to subscribe to the “Friends of Old Comrades” in 1983 and has never ceased to exist in more than 30 years. After the publication of each issue, he read all the details and participated in the annual reading quiz even more year after year. He was also pleased to receive the third prize. In 2013, he developed lung cancer. In the nearly four years of his illness, the only thing he insisted on is to watch “old comrades on time.”
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