An Acidic Polysaccharide from Tribulus terrestris

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongsheng0550
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An aqueous acidic polysaccharide, named rhamnogalacturonan (designated as TTP-D2) was isolated from Tribulus terrestris L by means of DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular mass of TTP-D2 was estimated to be 26 KDa by gel filtration. TTP-D2 is composed of galacturonic acid, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose, fucose, mannose, xylose and glucose in a ratio of 71.4 : 13.5 : 5.6 : 4.9 : 3.1 : 1.9 : 1.9 : 1.0. The main chain structure of TTP-D2 was elucidated as an acidic hetero-polysaccharide with the connection of a-(1-4) galacturonic acid with a-(1-3) rhamnose by GC analysis of partially hydrolyzed products and the determination of 1H, 13C-NMR spectra. An aqueous acidic polysaccharide, named rhamnogalacturonan (designated as TTP-D2) was isolated from Tribulus terrestris L by means of DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular mass of TTP-D2 was estimated to be 26 KDa by gel filtration. TTP- D2 is composed of galacturonic acid, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose, fucose, mannose, xylose and glucose in a ratio of 71.4: 13.5: 5.6: 4.9: 3.1: 1.9: 1.9: 1.0. The main chain structure of TTP-D2 was elucidated as an acidic hetero-polysaccharide with the connection of a- (1-4) galacturonic acid with a- (1-3) rhamnose by GC analysis of partially hydrolyzed products and the determination of 1H, 13C-NMR spectra.
母乳性黄疸 ( BMJ)是新生儿黄疸中较常见的疾病。据报道美国母乳喂养中高达 34 % ,日本为 10 %~ 15% ,我国目前尚无确切统计。我院自 1996年 9月~ 1998年 8月共收治 64例 ,现分
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患者 ,女 ,9岁。因进食后反复腹胀、呕吐 6月 ,以“幽门梗阻”于 1997年 9月 5日入院。入院查体 :T37.5℃ ,P10 0次 /分 ,R2 4次 /分 ,体重 15kg。营养欠佳 ,发育较迟缓 ,消
本文将有限元直接迭代算法 ( DIFE)用于 MT二维正演计算 ,充分利用了有限元直接迭代算法同时具有有限元和有限差分基本特征的优点。文中首先简要阐明了 DIFE的基本原理 ,并以
为了解母婴同室对新生儿疾病的影响 ,现将我院实行母婴同室前后 ,新生儿患病情况进行比较。1998年 1~ 12月 31日在院住院分娩的新生儿 4 0 5例作为母婴同室组 ,其中自然分娩 2