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城市化的程度是一个国家工业化、现代化的尺度,而一个国家城市人口占全国总人口的比重,又是衡量该国城市化程度的重要指标之一,因此实现工业化、现代化必然相应要求发展城市化。目前,我国应当大力加快农村城市化步伐。这是因为:①加快农村城市化是适应世界城市化发展的趋势。当今世界,城市化已成为伴随工业化、现代化而出现的一种世界范围内强有力的发展趋势。19世纪初,全世界城市人口占总人口的比重仅3%左右,到80年代已达到42%。据联合国预测,本世纪末世界50%的人口将生 The degree of urbanization is a measure of the industrialization and modernization of a country. As a country’s urban population accounts for the proportion of the total population in the country, it is also one of the important indicators for measuring the degree of urbanization in the country. Therefore, to achieve industrialization and modernization requires the development of urbanization . At present, our country should vigorously speed up the pace of urbanization in rural areas. This is because: ① accelerating rural urbanization is to adapt to the trend of urbanization in the world. In today’s world, urbanization has become a worldwide trend that has emerged along with industrialization and modernization. At the beginning of the 19th century, the proportion of urban population in the world to the total population was only about 3%, reaching 42% in the 1980s. According to the UN forecast, 50% of the world’s population will be born by the end of this century
I started selling blood in 1993 and was tested HIV positive by the provincial disease control center in 1997.In October 2002,I was further identified as an AIDS
7月底,伊拉克首都巴格达,骄阳似火白天的气温将近摄氏50度,在这样的天气下训练,就像在电烤箱里煎熬然而,21岁的达娜侯赛因早就习以为常了作为伊拉克惟一一名参加北京奥运会的女运动员,达娜在教练的带领下,每周训练六天,每天八个小时  今年5月,伊拉克马利基政府以伊拉克奥委会内部腐败且“有人利用资金赞助极端分子制造恐怖事件”为由解散了它,改由青年和体育部长领导的临时委员会接管其职能6月4日,国际奥委会认
机型及用途:386教学用机。 故障现象:从硬盘启动机器后,按字母和数字键显示正常;按符号键,则实际显示与按键不符,其对应关系如下表。 处理过程:因从硬盘能启动机器,进入DOS
This study proposes three models to explain the mechanism of the three major types of mafic dyke swarms.Parallel dyke swarms form in response to a regional stre