Mathematical Simulating Model of Phased-Array Antenna in Multifunction Array Radar

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evaclamp
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A mathematical simulating model of phased-array antenna in multifunction array radar has been approached in this paper, including the mathematical simulating model of plane phased array pattern, the mathematical simulating model of directionality factor, the mathematical simulating model of array factor, the mathematical simulating model of array element factor and the mathematical simulating model of beam steering. A mathematical simulating model of phased-array antenna in multifunction array radar has been approached in this paper, including the mathematical simulating model of plane phased array pattern, the mathematical simulating model of directionality factor, the mathematical simulating model of array factor, the mathematical simulating model of array element factor and the mathematical simulating model of beam steering.
成绩一向优异的女儿在初三上学期成绩突然大幅滑坡,甚至提出退学。妈妈与女儿交流后才发现,16岁的女儿被性问题困扰,无法安心学习。一向单纯的女儿怎么会有这种困惑?妈妈又该怎么引导孩子走出性的迷雾?    妈妈讲述:  精神恍惚的女儿  自从上了初三,我就发现晓楠的精神状态不太好。开始我还以为是学习压力大,她可能不太适应。但半个学期过去了,晓楠的成绩飞速下滑。班主任打来电话,说晓楠在上课时一直精神恍惚,
讨论了嵌入式实时操作系统 VxWorks 及 ARM 技术,着重研究了其在鱼雷制导系统中的应用方案,并与目前的鱼雷制导系统作了比较。研究表明,使用基于嵌入式技术的鱼雷制导系统优
孩子的心理伤害是指别人的言行(无论有意还是无意)导致儿童在行为、智力、情绪等方面受到暂时或永久性的伤害。心理上受过伤害的儿童,在 Children’s psychological damage