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随着经济体制改革的不断深化和渔业生产的迅猛发展,我市渔船由原来的集体所有转变为个体所有,由过去的紧密型变为现在的松散型。以往的宏观调控和管理受到削弱,基本失去了基层组织的配合,形成了群众渔业。近几年,船只数量增长很快,船只买卖频繁,在发展外海渔业新思路的驱动下,以小换大现象极为普遍。为了保证船舶的质量,保证渔民的人身安全,搞好渔船的监督管理已势在必行。为给渔船的监督管理提供可靠的前提和保证,必须做好档案管理工作。 With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system and the rapid development of fishery production, the fishing vessels in our city have been transformed from the original collective ownership into the individual ownership, and the past compactness has now become the loose one. In the past, the macro-control and administration were weakened, basically losing the cooperation of grass-roots organizations and forming mass fisheries. In recent years, with the rapid growth in the number of vessels and the frequent vessel sales, it is very common to develop small-scale fishing under the drive of developing new ideas of offshore fishing. In order to ensure the quality of the ship, to ensure the personal safety of fishermen, it is imperative to improve the supervision and management of fishing vessels. In order to provide a reliable prerequisite and guarantee for the supervision and management of fishing vessels, the management of archives must be done well.
针对内河港航企业较大面积亏损的问题 ,课题组从加强基础设施建设、强化财务管理、抓住西部开发机遇三个方面 ,分析了内河港航企业的现状 ,提出了减亏增效的方略。 In view
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福州港二千多年的盛衰起伏、曲折发展历史的回顾;展望福州深水良港兴化湾,开发建设亚太地区营运中心的前景。 Fuzhou Port 2000 years of ups and downs ups and downs, the
AIM:To investigate the role of inositol-requiring enzyme 1α(IRE1α) in gut development of Xenopus lavies embryos.METHODS:Xenopus embryos were obtained with in
六盘水市 7月6日,六盘水市委常委、组织部部长侯美传在全市老干部庆祝建党95周年座谈会上,结合党的光辉历程,给市直单位和盘县副县级以上退休党员代表、离退休党支部书记代表,市、县非党退休副县级以上领导干部代表,上了一堂思想深刻、内涵丰富的专题党课。  侯美传强调,当前,党和国家正处在改革发展的关键时期,面对机遇挑战并存的复杂形势,特别是面对世界金融危机以后,习近平总书记用“八个坚持不忘初心、继续前进
1 林木分级在整个森林生长发育过程中,各林木之间存在着很大差异,普遍地发生林木分化和自然稀疏的自然现象。由于①林木个体的遗传性;②造林载植技术的正确与否;③局部立地
忻州方言的“动词(形容词)+顿咾”,相当于普通话的“动词(形容词)+的时候”:走顿咾——走的时候唱顿咾——唱的时候 (天气)凉顿咾——(天气)凉的时候 Xinzhou dialect “ve