Resilience as a strategy for struggling against challenges related to the nursing profession

来源 :Chinese Nursing Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maldininikanjun
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Stressors, such as work overload, role conflicts, lack of time, lack of self-care, poor job-related interpersonal relationships, feeling powerless to provide quality care, struggling with competing demands,death, conflict with doctors, peers and supervisors, and inadequate emotional preparation, can be negative, stressful, traumatic, or difficult situations or episodes of hardship for nurses. Situations or episodes of these types can also cause both physical and mental problems, such as fatigue, irritability,lack of concentration, unhappiness, depressive sensation, depersonalization, and emotional exhaustion.Despite all of these challenges, resilience enables nurses to cope with their work environment and to maintain healthy and stable psychological functioning. The aim of this review is to describe the concept of resilience, explain characteristics with which it is related and outline interventions to increase the resilience of nurses. Stressors, such as work overload, role conflicts, lack of time, lack of self-care, poor job-related interpersonal relationships, feeling powerless to provide quality care, struggling with competing demands, death, conflict with doctors, peers and supervisors, and inadequate emotional preparation, can be negative, stressful, traumatic, or difficult situations or episodes of theseship can also cause both physical and mental problems, such as fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration, unhappiness, depressive sensation, depersonalization, and emotional exhaustion. Idepite all of these challenges, resilience enables can nurses to cope with their work environment and to maintain healthy and stable psychological functioning. The aim of this review is to describe the concept of resilience, explain characteristics with which it is related and outline interventions to increase the resilience of nurses.
Wounds debridement is important for healing of chronic wounds. Combined debridement is a new technique to deal with the complex chronic wounds. This review intr
上饶市第一小学坚持“全面发展、人文见长”的培养目标,突出学生的全面发展,强调人文精神的养育,把人文精神渗透到学校建设的各个方面,把人文教育根植于形式多样的“活动”之中,让人文之光烛照学生生命。  我们在教育改革中努力寻求贴近学生发展的教育,大力开展有特色的教育活动。  一是开设各种独具魅力的特色小课。“电影小课”将电影资源与学生的学习内容紧密结合,演绎学习的生动与精彩;“心路驿站心理健康小课”创设
目的 研究黑龙江省儿童急性白血病及各免疫分型与结合珠蛋白(HP)表型的关系.方法 通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直平板电泳结合质谱分析测定75例儿童白血病患儿HP表型及基因频率;通过