
来源 :北方果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dusl520
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在苹果树上使用多效唑的简易方法多效唑(又称pp_(333)对控制桃、李、杏、苹果、梨等树种的过旺生长,促进其提前结果、早期丰产效果十分显著。但现行的使用方法土施、喷施技术要求较高,浓度、剂量较难控制,使用时费工。为此,中国农科院果树研究所与绥中县沙河乡果树站联合研制试验了一种多效唑新剂型,经过一年试验,二年示范推广,效果令人满意。处理者花序座果率可达90%以上,花朵座果率50%以上,节间缩短33.95%,枝条增粗28.26%。用此药剂,省时、省力、节水省药,使用浓度、剂量容易控制。一斤药可处理40-60株树,每人每天可处理300-500株。药价16元。具体方法如下:1药剂配制在室温下先将133.5公斤水倒入大桶中,再倒入渗透剂40公斤(它由100%的固体平平加与Tweth-80两种药剂混合而成),不断搅拌并加入66.5公斤多效唑,待多效唑完全溶化为止。水、渗透剂、多效唑的比例为2:0.6:1。药剂成品后为乳白色悬浊液。2使用时间及方法先将药液摇匀,然后用刷子蘸取药液在树干距地面25~30cm处均匀涂抹一周,宽度因树势强弱而定,太旺树可适当宽一点。涂后12小时不遇雨水冲刷即可。使用时间一般可从6月上中旬到9月 The simple method of using paclobutrazol in apple trees Paclobutrazol (also called pp_ (333) is very effective in controlling the over-growth of peach, plum, apricot, apple, pear and other tree species and promoting its early yield, Methods Soil and spraying techniques require higher concentration, dosage is more difficult to control, the use of labor time.Therefore, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Fruit and Shahe Township, Suizhong County fruit tree station jointly developed and tested a new type of paclobutrazol , After a year of trial, two years of demonstration and promotion, the effect is satisfactory.Processors inflorescence fruit rate of more than 90%, fruit rate of more than 50% of flowers, internodes shortened 33.95%, branches thickening 28.26 %. With this medicine, save time, effort, water-saving medicine, the use of concentration, dosage easy to control. Pounds of medicine can handle 40-60 trees per person per day can handle 300-500. The method is as follows: 1 Pharmacy Preparation 133.5 kg of water into the vat at room temperature, and then poured into the penetrant 40 kg (which consists of 100% solids flat And Tweth-80 two agents mixed), stirring constantly and add 66.5 kg paclobutrazol until the paclobutrazol completely dissolved until water, penetrant, paclobutrazol ratio of 2: 0.6: 1 after the agent is milky white Suspension .2 time and method of first shake the liquid, and then dipped with a liquid brush in the trunk 25 ~ 30cm from the ground at a uniform application of a week, the width of the strength due to the tree may be too wide tree too wide A little rain after 12 hours of coating can be applied to the use of time generally from mid-June to September
对番茄乌心果病病原进行深入的研究表明,温室中栽培的番茄,在用番茄乌心果病的汁液摩擦后,出现了与田间乌心果病相同症状。从而进一步证实长叶车前草花叶病毒(Ribgrass Mo-sa
在江苏连云港地区大豆毒蛾Cifuna locu-ples Walker严重为害茭白Zizania caducif-lora。该虫在当地一年发生3代,以幼虫越冬,次年3月中下旬开始取食茭白距水面10cm以上的叶片
目的 :采用有效的措施制定出复方氨基葡糖糖片的溶出度测定方法。方法 :本文主要采用的是高效液相色谱法以及紫外分光光度法测定复方氨基葡萄糖片溶出度。测定人员还利用浆法