
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foreverfreedom5
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对病虫害采取预防为主,综合防治的措施,在生产实践中还没有引起人们足够的重视。我场过去苹果树每年打药7~8次,由于连年大量不合理的使用剧毒农药,使害虫抗药性增强,并大量杀伤天敌,破坏了果园的生态平衡,导致害虫更加猖獗。多年来,根据这些经验教训,我们结合实际工作,对全场各园的病虫害概况和天敌资源进行全面调查,提出对苹果主要害虫进行综合防治措施。经过连续八年多点小面积(60~600亩),重复对比试验和九年大面积(9920亩)反复防治实践,均收到成效。现将情况介绍如下。一、主要病虫害为害概况我场在推行综合防治以前,苹果树的病虫害种类多,发生数量大,为害严重。1961年腰沟 Preventive measures against pests and diseases, comprehensive prevention and control measures have not drawn sufficient attention in production practice. In the past, we used 7-8 times a year to fight the apple trees. Due to the unreasonable use of highly toxic pesticides in successive years, the resistance of pests increased and the natural enemies were massively destroyed. The ecological balance of the orchards was destroyed, causing the pests to become more rampant. Over the years, based on these experiences and lessons, we conducted a comprehensive investigation of pest and disease status and natural enemy resources in various parks in the field and proposed comprehensive prevention and control measures for major apple pests. After more than eight years of small area (60 ~ 600 acres), repeated comparative tests and nine years of large area (9920 acres) repeated prevention and treatment practices, have received results. Now the situation is as follows. First, the main pest damage profile My field in the implementation of integrated control before the apple tree pests and diseases, the occurrence of large quantities, serious damage. 1961 waist groove
“也不害羞!都是六年级的女生了,举止还这么野蛮。”布丽姆老师将我推进办公室。  没有人关心我的感受!我强压着心中怒火。约翰和那些家伙一直给我取绰号羞辱我,叫我“竹竿子”、“电线朴”、“长丝瓜”。每当我决定反击他们时,这个满脸凶相的布丽姆老师就出现了。  我承认自己长得很丑,才小学六年级就有1.78米高了,很瘦,再加上矫正牙齿的支架、矫正脚形的鞋子和矫正视力的眼镜,更是让我的形象有所损坏。我尽量垂着
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Cowden syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder that is characterized by multiple hamartomas in a variety of tissues and this is associated with germline
过去几年,我们在河南南阳、洛阳进行小麦吸浆虫的研究中,发生的都是小麦红吸浆虫(Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin),国内过去发表的研究 报告也大都是这方面的。至於小麦黄吸
桃蚜(Myzus persioae)为瘤额蚜属。是传播多种农作物病毒病的一种害虫,居于许多传播病毒介体昆虫的第一位,致使马铃薯退化的主要病害大都是由桃蚜的田间传毒。掌握桃蚜在河