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目的:探讨西安地区健康体检人群血清胆红素水平。方法:采用回顾分析的方法,随机抽取1007例在我院例行健康查体人群的血清总胆红素(TBIL)和直接胆红素(DBIL)的测定值,按不同年龄、性别、职业进行分组统计分析,并与北京、四川崇州、山东威海、广东茂名地区人群进行比较,观察胆红素参考值的变化。结果:西安地区健康体检人群血清TBIL、DBIL水平比原参考值明显上升(P<0.01),成年男性血清TBIL水平(14.38±6.39)μmol/L,75百分位数(P75)和95百分位数(P95)分别为16.40和25.89,DBIL(4.08±2.46)μmol/L,P75和P95分别为6.00和8.90。成年男性血清TBIL(14.08±6.58)μmol/L,DBIL(5.10±2.57)μmol/L,成年女性血清TBIL(12.42±6.00)μmol/L,DBIL(4.74±2.27)μmol/L,男性大于女性,不同性别、年龄、职业人群TBIL差异极有显著性(P<0.01)。TBIL现参考值超限检出率(5.3%)明显低于原参考值(10.5%),DBIL现参考值(8.7%)低于原参考值(15.7%),超限检出率降低44%以上。西安地区健康体检人群TBIL、DBIL水平与北京、四川崇州、山东威海、广东茂名地区人群有差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:西安地区健康体检人群TBIL、DBIL水平与原参考值发生了改变,原参考值已不能较好的适用临床和健康体检的需要,应科学、合理的建立地区性的胆红素参考值。 Objective: To investigate the level of serum bilirubin in health checkups in Xi’an. METHODS: Retrospective analysis was used to randomly determine the serum total bilirubin (TBIL) and direct bilirubin (DBIL) values ​​of 1007 patients who were routinely examined in our hospital. The results were based on age, gender, and occupation. Grouped statistical analysis, and compared with Beijing, Sichuan Chongzhou, Shandong Weihai, Guangdong Maoming population, observed changes in bilirubin reference values. Results: The levels of serum TBIL and DBIL in the physical examination population in Xi’an area were significantly higher than the original reference value (P<0.01), and the adult male serum TBIL level was (14.38±6.39)μmol/L, 75th percentile (P75) and 95th percentile. The number of digits (P95) was 16.40 and 25.89, DBIL (4.08±2.46) μmol/L, and P75 and P95 were 6.00 and 8.90, respectively. Adult males had serum TBIL (14.08±6.58) μmol/L, DBIL (5.10±2.57) μmol/L, adult female serum TBIL (12.42±6.00) μmol/L, and DBIL (4.74±2.27) μmol/L, males were greater than females. The difference of TBIL was significant between genders, ages, and occupational groups (P<0.01). The current TBIL over-limit detection rate (5.3%) was significantly lower than the original reference (10.5%), the DBIL current reference (8.7%) was lower than the original reference (15.7%), and the over-limit detection rate was reduced by 44%. the above. The levels of TBIL and DBIL in healthy population in Xi’an area were significantly different from those in Beijing, Sichuan Chongzhou, Weihai, Shandong, and Maoming, Guangdong (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion: The levels of TBIL and DBIL in the physical examination population in Xi’an region have changed from the original reference values. The original reference value has not been able to meet the needs of clinical and physical examinations. The reference value of regional bilirubin should be established scientifically and reasonably.
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