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中学生在学習排列、組合时往往感到一些困难,这些困难有的是来自排列、組合內容的抽象和处理这类問題方法上的新穎,有的是来自敎师对学生情况了解不够和敎学上的一般化。为了帮助学生在学習中多解决一些困难,敎师的努力起着决定性的作用,在中学講授排列、組合的目的是敎給学生排列、組合的概念及其主要公式。並培养学生应用这种知識来解决实际問題所需要的技能和熟練技巧,要求学生学完排列、組合以后分析問題的能力有所提高。因此敎师在講授排列、組合时,要特別注意啟發学生的积極性,多引导学生进行思考,遵循由感性到理性,由具体到抽象,由特殊到一般的原則。茲特將敎学过程中的一些点滴体会列述如下。 Middle school students often feel some difficulty in learning arrangements and combinations. Some of these difficulties are from the arrangement, the abstraction of the contents of the portfolio, and the methodological novelty of dealing with such problems. Some of them are the lack of understanding of students and the generalization of dropouts. In order to help students solve some difficulties in their studies, Yan Shi’s efforts play a decisive role. The purpose of teaching arrangement and combination in secondary schools is to give students the concept of arrangement and combination and their main formulas. And to train students to apply this knowledge to solve practical problems needed skills and proficiency skills, requiring students to learn the arrangement, after the combination of the ability to analyze the problem has improved. Therefore, when teaching the arrangement and combination, the teacher must pay special attention to inspiring the enthusiasm of the students, guiding the students to think more, and following the principles from perceptual to rational, from concrete to abstract, from special to general. Zitt lists some of the details of the dropout process as follows.
本文在Vensim PLE平台上,利用系统动力学(SD)原理建立仿真模型,分情景地研究了不同城镇化速度下的国内钢材需求趋势变化情况,找出钢材需求峰值水平。 Based on Vensim PLE p
辛卯春节,家居无聊,拈萦绕于耳际之戏语,急写就之。似真似幻,亦如拈花一笑。读者诸君切勿对号入座。以天地为戏场,权作野老村语可也。是为记。长安看花旧史于通州。 Xinmao
在现行高中代数课本(1956年7月上海第一版)第一册第112页上有这样一道题目:“k 是怎样的值时,方程 x~2-kx+9=0没有实数根?”这个题目有较多学生犯这样的错误:他们根据 k~2
近代科学研究的电磁波,是由許多不同的成分構成的。其中波長較长的是无线电波,其次是紅外线、可見光线和紫外线,波長比较短的是X射綫和γ射线等。 無线电波是波長最長的电磁
虽然,在整个自然界里各种各样的变化很多,但是,这些变化却被許許多多的客观規律所統治着。其中有一条最根本而又最普遍的規律,这就是能量守恒定律了。 Although there are