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现代企业和企业家理论的实证表明,在经济发展的过程中,企业经营者起着十分关键的作用。经营者的重要性来源于企业面临的不确定性。不确定性的存在使得经营者及其经营决策在企业生存发展和运营效率上具有决定性的意义。以建立现代企业制度为目标的我国国有企业改革,必须在建立企业法人产权制度的同时,建立起有效的经营者行为激励和约束机制,造就一支忠诚于国家又精于企业经营管理的经营者队伍,并使之发挥既能贯彻国家意志,又能最大限度地提高企业效率和竞争力的作用。这是防止国有资产流失、增强企业活力和提高企业运营效率的关键。为什么要对经营者行为进行激励和约束建立经营者行为激励和约束机制是由现代企业制度的基本特征以及由此在企业运营中产生的问题所决定的。现代企业制度要求所有权与经营权相分离,企业的最高经营管理决策权由经理人员掌握,即“经理制”。经理制是现代企业制度区别于传统企业制度的主要特征。正是这一特征,才导致了现代企业在运营中产生了传统企业所不曾有 The empirical evidence of modern enterprises and entrepreneurs shows that in the process of economic development, business operators play a crucial role. The importance of the manager comes from the uncertainty facing the business. The existence of uncertainty makes the managers and their business decisions decisive in the survival and development of enterprises and operational efficiency. To establish a modern enterprise system as the goal of the reform of state-owned enterprises in our country, we must establish an effective system of corporate property rights at the same time, establish an effective incentive and restraint mechanisms for business operators to create a loyal to the country and good at business management operators Team, and make it play both the national will, but also maximize the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. This is the key to preventing the loss of state assets, enhancing the vitality of enterprises and improving the operational efficiency of enterprises. Why incentive and restraint to the behavior of managers should establish the incentive and restraint mechanism of the managers' behavior is determined by the basic characteristics of the modern enterprise system and the problems arising from the operation of the enterprise. The modern enterprise system requires the separation of ownership and management, the highest management decision-making power of the enterprise is controlled by managers, that is, “manager system”. Manager system is the main characteristic that distinguishes the modern enterprise system from the traditional enterprise system. It is this feature that has led to the modern business in the operation of the traditional business have never had
“关于与S公司的合作,双方基本达成一致,可以著手协议的事情了。”周例会上,老板宣布。  “我不赞成与S公司的合作,公司现在没有这个条件再扩大业务。”销售总监当场反对道。  “我已经在各部门做过调研,下周我们就开始招聘新员工。”  “公司财务紧张,可能调拨不出太多的经费给人力资源部招聘。”财务总监说道。  老板怒气冲天地吼道:“就按我说的做,到底谁是老板,这也不行,那也不行,干脆把公司关了吧。”  