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2011年俄罗斯加入世界贸易组织标志着其社会经济转型跨入了新的发展阶段,它结束了俄罗斯长期游离在世界贸易管理、组织、协调机制之外的局面,消除了国际市场对其出口的贸易歧视,享有了在世界贸易体系中的平等地位。这对促进和扩大俄罗斯对外贸易发展具有划时代意义。俄罗斯入世的承诺意味着其关税制度、产业经济、服务贸易的实质性转变,对俄罗斯经济发展是前所未有的考验。如何利用入世机遇,推进俄罗斯经济朝着多元化和现代化模式发展,是俄罗斯面临的主要任务。为了保证俄罗斯国内产业适应入世,政府制定了一系列政策,出台了相应的政府补贴措施。但是,这些措施依然面临诸多消极因素的干扰,影响着入世后俄罗斯产业经济的顺利过渡。 In 2011, Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization marked a new phase of its social and economic transition. It ended Russia’s long-term absence from world trade management, organization and coordination mechanisms and eliminated the international trade in its exports Discrimination, enjoys equal status in the world trading system. This is of epoch-making significance for promoting and expanding the development of Russia’s foreign trade. Russia’s WTO accession commitment means that its tariff system, industrial economy and substantive transformation of service trade are unprecedented tests of Russia’s economic development. How to take advantage of the accession to the WTO and push forward the development of Russia’s economy toward diversification and modernization are the major tasks facing Russia. In order to ensure that Russia’s domestic industries are adapted to the accession to the WTO, the government has formulated a series of policies and promulgated relevant government subsidies. However, these measures still face interference from many negative factors and affect the smooth transition of Russia’s industrial economy after China’s entry into the WTO.
设计和制造了一个GaAs单片集成激光器驱动电路。描述了电路的设计考虑,制作过程和器件与激光器驱动电路的静态特性。该电路具有大于30mA的电流驱动能力。 Design and manufa
目的1.观察高糖培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vein endothelial cells, HUVEC)中玻连蛋白(vitronectin, VN)表达水平的改变,细胞微丝骨架结构的变化,以及细胞迁移
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1.前言: 近年来,随着电子元件的小型化,需要一种在生产中能对一些细小物体的外径进行高精度、非接触式测量的装置,特别象对于电子行业中的细线、外径很小的导光纤维,以及钟
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