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拥有近400万人口的藏族,广泛分布在青藏高原及其毗邻的四川、云南和甘肃的部分地区,总面积达270万平方公里,约占全国总面积的28%。历史悠久、传统深厚的藏族,对中华民族灿烂文化的形成和发展,都做出了独特而重要的贡献。但是,由于历史和地理环境等方面的原因,以及一个时期“左”的影响,当前藏族地区的教育仍然处于比较落后的状态,可以说是我国普及教育的一个难点。1988年秋,旨在提高藏族普及教育水平的“五省、自治区藏族教育研讨会”在甘南藏族自治州召开。与会代表通过对夏河、玛曲、碌曲、卓尼等四个藏区县一些中小学的现场参观,充分肯定了甘南藏族自治州为发展藏区教育所作的努力和宝贵经验。 The Tibetan population, which has a population of nearly 4 million, is widely distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its adjacent areas in Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu, with a total area of ​​2.7 million square kilometers, accounting for approximately 28% of the country’s total area. The Tibetans with a long history and profound traditions have made unique and important contributions to the formation and development of the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. However, due to historical and geographical circumstances and other reasons, as well as a period of “left” influence, education in the current Tibetan areas is still relatively backward, and it can be said that it is a difficult point for China’s universal education. In the autumn of 1988, the “Five-Provincial and Autonomous Tibetan Educational Seminar” was held in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to improve the level of Tibetan education. Delegates attended the on-the-spot visits to Xiahe, Maqu, Luqu, Zhuoni and other Tibetan and Tibetan counties. They fully affirmed Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture’s efforts and valuable experience in developing Tibetan education.
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<正> 在一个正在变化的社会中,大西洋两岸的法官及司法制度,都面临着法官的职能及法官个人社会作用的问题。英美两国都必须妥善处理法官的品行、教育、社会交往以及对政治气候和社会舆论的反应等问题了。英国法官由于保守和不接近社会,经常受到批评。同样,由于对法律改革表示不支持的
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<正> 与犯罪现象进行有效斗争的一个重要条件,就是要组织对其现状、发展趋势及变化过程开展深入的研究。1964年在匈牙利建立了犯罪情报统计制度,为了整理这些情报,采用了电子计算机技术。这一制度对于国家公安机关和检察机关来说,都是统一的,同时又是唯一可循
Evaluation and improvement of quality of care provided to the patients are of crucial importance in the daily clinical practice and in the health policy plannin