Saccharomyces cerevisiae in neuroscience: how unicellular organism helps to better understand prion

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shade89
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The baker\'s yeast Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae is a single-celled eukaryotic modelorganism widely used in research on life sciences. Being a unicellular organism, S. cerevisiae has some evident limitations in application to neuroscience. However, yeast prions are extensively studied and they are known to share some hallmarks with mammalian prion protein or other amyloidogenic proteins found in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer\'s, Parkinson\'s, or Huntington\'s diseases. Therefore, the yeast S. cerevisiae has been widely used for basic research on aggregation properties of proteins in cellulo and on their propagation. Recently, a yeast-based study revealed that some regions of mammalian prion protein and amyloid β1–42 are capable of induction and propagation of yeast prions. It is one of the examples showing that evolutionarily distant organisms share common mechanisms underlying the structural conversion of prion proteins making yeast cells a useful system for studying mammalian prion protein. S. cerevisiae has also been used to design novel screening systems for anti-prion compounds from chemical libraries. Yeast-based assays are cheap in maintenance and safe for the researcher, making them a very good choice to perform preliminary screening before further characterization in systems engaging mammalian cells infected with prions. In this review, not only classical red/white colony assay but also yeast-based screening assays developed during last year are discussed. Computational analysis and research carried out using yeast prions force us to expect that prions are widely present in nature. Indeed, the last few years brought us several examples indicating that the mammalian prion protein is no more peculiar protein – it seems that a better understanding of prion proteins nature-wide may aid us with the treatment of prion diseases and other amyloid-related medical conditions.
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