Anomalous Nuclear Reaction in Earth’s Interior:a New Field in Physics Science?

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvbocai
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Tritium (3H) in excess of the atmospheric values was found at volcanic Lakes Pavin (France), Laacher (Germany) and Nemrut (Turkey), as well as Kilauea Volcano at Hawaii (USA) and other volcanoes. Because 3H has a short half-life of 12.3 years, the tritium and the resulting 3He must have formed recently in the Earth. The result suggests that nuclear reactions may generate a significant amount of tritium in the interior of the Earth, although we have not yet learned what the reaction mechanism may be responsible. The nuclear reaction that can be responsible for tritium production in the Earth is probably a new research field in physics science. Nuclear reactions that generate tritium might be a source of “missing” energy (heat) in the interior of the Earth. Finding in-situ 3H in the mantle may exhibit an alternative explanation of 3He origin in the deep Earth. Tritium (3H) in excess of the atmospheric values ​​was found at volcanic Lakes Pavin (France), Laacher (Germany) and Nemrut (Turkey), as well as Kilauea Volcano at Hawaii (USA) and other volcanoes. life result 12.3 years, the tritium and the resulting 3He must have formed recently in the Earth. The result suggests that nuclear reactions may generate a significant amount of tritium in the interior of the Earth, although we have not yet learned what the reaction mechanism The nuclear reaction that may be responsible for tritium production in the Earth is probably a new research field in physics science. Nuclear reactions that generate tritium might be a source of “missing ” energy (heat) in the interior of the Earth. Finding in-situ 3H in the mantle may exhibit an alternative explanation of 3He origin in the deep Earth.
Using 86 CME-interplanetary shock events,the correlation between the peak values of (a) the solar wind parameters(B_z,E_y,P_(dyn)) and the geomagnetic indices(S
作者对75例作右心导管及造影检查的法鲁氏四联症病人,根据年龄分为>12岁级及<12岁组,测定Hb,RBC和导管检测中测得的动脉SaO_2,结果显示所有病人SaO_2与Hb,RBC中度相关,<12岁组SaO_2与Hb,RBC高度相关,但Hb,RBC与年龄无相关性。 The
读贵刊(1990;5(10):450)《大剂量谷维素治疗心律失常临床观察》一文后,笔者参照此法治疗心律失常11例,亦得满意疗效,报告如下。 Read your magazine (1990; 5 (10): 450) “