Passively Q-Switched Yb-Doped Fiber Laser Operating at 1.06μm with Two-Dimensional Silver Nanoplate

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smallfishyl
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A two-dimensional silver nanoplate is prepared with the seed-mediated growth method and is used for achieving pulse fiber laser operation. By controlling the dimension parameters of the silver nanoplate, the surface plasmon resonance absorption peak of the material is successfully adjusted to 1068 nm. Based on the silver nanoplate as a saturable absorber, a passively Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser operating at 1062 nm is demonstrated. The maximum average output power of 3.49 mW is obtained with a minimum pulse width of 1.84 ps at a pulse repetition rate of 65.7 kHz, and the corresponding pulse energy and peak power are 53.1 nJ and 28.8 mW, respectively. A two-dimensional silver nanoplate is prepared with the seed-mediated growth method and is used for achieving pulse fiber laser operation. By controlling the dimension parameters of the silver nanoplate, the surface plasmon resonance absorption peak of the material is successfully adjusted to 1068 nm . Based on the silver nanoplate as a saturable absorber, a passively Q-switched Yb-doped fiber laser operating at 1062 nm was demonstrated. The maximum output power of 3.49 mW is obtained with a minimum pulse width of 1.84 ps at a pulse repetition rate of 65.7 kHz, and the corresponding pulse energy and peak power are 53.1 nJ and 28.8 mW, respectively.
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