Neuropeptide Y gene transfection inhibits post-epileptic hippocampal synaptic reconstruction

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spiritword
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Exogenous neuropeptide Y has antiepileptic effects; however, the underlying mechanism and optimal administration method for neuropeptide Y are still unresolved. Previous studies have used intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y into animal models of epilepsy. In this study, a recombinant adeno-associated virus expression vector carrying the neuropeptide Y gene was injected into the lateral ventricle of rats, while the ipsilateral hippocampus was injected with kainic acid to establish the epileptic model. After transfection of neuropeptide Y gene, mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampal CA3 region of epileptic rats was significantly suppressed, hippocampal synaptophysin (p38) mRNA and protein expression were inhibited, and epileptic seizures were reduced. These experimental findings indicate that a recombinant adeno-associated virus expression vector carrying the neuropeptide Y gene reduces mossy fiber sprouting and inhibits abnormal synaptophysin expression, thereby suppressing post-epileptic synaptic reconstruction. Exogenous neuropeptide Y has antiepileptic effects; however, the underlying mechanism and optimal administration method for neuropeptide Y are still unresolved. Previous studies have used intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y into animal models of epilepsy. In this study, a recombinant adeno-associated virus expression vector carrying the neuropeptide Y gene was injected into the lateral ventricle of rats, while the ipsilateral hippocampus was injected with kainic acid to establish the epileptic model. After transfection of neuropeptide Y gene, mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampal CA3 region of epileptic rats was significantly suppressed These experimental results indicate that a recombinant adeno-associated virus expression vector carrying the neuropeptide Y gene reduces mossy fiber sprouting and inhibits abnormal synaptophysin expression, supp suppre ssing post-epileptic synaptic reconstruction.
纵观记忆研究发展历程、可以看出:人类对记忆研究的重点发生了三次重大转移。德国心理学家赫尔曼·艾宾浩斯(Ebbinghaus)在 1885年发表的《记忆》一书,标志着从对记忆现象的描述研究到对记忆过
《新自由主义简史》的作者是当代西方世界最著名的批判知识分子之一、当代西方马克思主义代表人物之一的哈维。在大家一窝蜂迷信市场力量的时候,他“大逆不道”地指出“唯市场”理念会导致的危害,并且呼吁寻求在此之上的可能性替代方案,他认为应关注市场之外的社会领域。在世界陷入金融危机的时候,哈维这本书的推出可谓非常及时。  在此书里,哈维从地理视角分析世界范围内新自由主义的缘起与发展。在此书开篇,他就深刻指出,
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