Growth Mode Investigation of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetra-carboxylic Dianhydride on p-Si Substrates by X-r

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The growth mode of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetra-carboxylic dianhydride(PTCDA) deposited on p-Si substrates can be deduced by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy(XPS). The spectrum and fine spectrum at the surface of specimen are studied. Firstly, PTCDA molecules assemble at the defects to form lots of three-dimensional island-like PTCDA crystal nucleuses, and then by the action of delocalized big π bond, two adjacent layers of PTCDA molecules overlap to some extent and finally island-like structure forms. PTCDA molecules of benzene ring combine with Si atoms at the defects, and that of acid anhydride radicals combine with Si atoms at the perfect fraction of the surface. In the course of combination, although the structure of benzene ring doesn’t change, the chemical reaction of acid anhydride radicals and Si occurs to break off C=O bond in acid anhydride, and then C-Si-O and silicon oxide might be produced. The growth mode of 3,4,9,10-perylenetetra-carboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) deposited on p-Si substrates can be deduced by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS). The spectrum and fine spectrum at the surface of specimens are studied Firstly, PTCDA molecules assemble at the defects to form lots of three - dimensional island - like PTCDA crystal nucleuses, and then by the action of delocalized big π bond, two adjacent layers of PTCDA molecules overlap to some extent and finally island - like structures forms. PTCDA molecules of benzene ring combine with Si atoms at the defects, and that of acid anhydride radical combine with Si atoms at the perfect fraction of the surface. In the course of combination, although the structure of benzene ring does not change, the chemical reaction of acid anhydride radicals and Si occurs to break off C = O bond in acid anhydride, and then C-Si-O and silicon oxide might be produced.
工业国家 美国 日术 西欧消费物价指数(川,) 工业国家 美国 日本 西欧9.()5 .43 .49 .15 .51 1 .2 3 .311,3 8 .9 5 .7 3 .110.92 .22 .92 .42 .22 .7().62 .42 .52 .81 .526
由北京辉煌动画公司、央视动画有限公司与未来行星株式会社,株式会社多美联合制作的大型高清动画电视连续剧《三国演义》于2009年8月1日在中央电视台电视剧频道首播 The lar