Observing Intratissuelar Distribution of Polysorbate 80 Coated Nanoparticles in Brain with Analytica

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongjun1964
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The analytical electron microscopy (AEM) was employed to observe the intratissuelar distribution of polysorbate 80 coated nanoparticles in brain with copper chlorophyll (CC), and a safe and cheap pigment was used as a marker. AEM analyses show that some nanoparticles are located at the wall of the microvasculum in brain, while others are distributed around the microvasculum in brain. These results may support that T-80 coated nanoparticles cross the BBB through mechanisms of endocytosis or transcytosis. The analytical electron microscopy (AEM) was employed to observe the intratissuelar distribution of polysorbate 80 coated nanoparticles in brain with copper chlorophyll (CC), and a safe and cheap pigment was used as a marker. AEM analyzes show that some nanoparticles are located at the wall of the microvasculum in brain, while others are distributed around the microvasculum in brain. These results may support that T-80 coated nanoparticles cross the BBB through mechanisms of endocytosis or transcytosis.
磨牙牙合面窝沟对龋病高度敏感 ,用窝沟封闭方法预防牙合面龋病 ,效果较好。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 临床资料 选择 74名儿童未发生龋坏的第一磨牙 2 96个。男 34名136
(1)线材、螺纹钢等建筑类钢材价格走势主要受国内供求状况的影响。下半年随着总量控制工作、关停五小、淘汰落后等工作的推进 ,预计其资源供给量不会有太多增长 ,预计建筑钢
游戏目的:锻炼(duàn liàn)分析问题的能力,学习了解偶然(ǒu rán)性的统计(tǒngjì)规律。游戏方法:取一个硬币竖直(shù zhí)向上抛(pāo),让其自由落到具有弹性的光滑