Report of Observing Lesson

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  Date and time of class and length of lesson: 4th Oct 2006, Wednesday, 2pm, one and half hours
  Name of course: Military English Language
  Topic of the lesson: military compulsory service
  Proficiency level of students: intermediate
  Class make-up-age, gender, nationalities: adults, female and male, Georgia and Russia
  Objectives of the lesson: practice all the English skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing
  Arrangement of classroom: the classroom has enough space and bright light, the tables are formed as a horseshoe, and a chair for teacher is in the middle
  Materials and Aids: board, handouts, cassette
  Introduction and aims of each activity
  The first activity: Teacher writes down the vocabulary on board and asks students to give the opposite words, and then require them to stress the vocabulary. After they finished, teacher stress the vocabulary with different colored pens on the board. It is a warmer, which let students concentrate on the lesson and start the lesson. At the same time the teacher helps students to correct pronunciation.
  The second activity: Teacher gives handouts and asks students to answer the questions by discussion in pair work, then checks their answers by talking with students. It aims to get learners to use much English and practice their abilities of speaking.
  The third activity: Teacher gives other handouts and let students listen to the tapes and tick right answers, then checks answers with their partners. At last the teacher gives the right answers. It aims to practice students’ abilities of listening and speaking by using English to check answers with partners.
  The fourth activity: Teacher gives another handout to make students to do “true” or “false” exercise and correct the wrong ones. Then let them use the words in the box to fill in blanks and check answers in pair work. Teacher gives the right answers after they finished. It aims to train students to use grammar and context.
  The fifth activity: Teacher reads the task for students to keep everybody together, and then ask them to read the article on handout to fill in blanks. It aims to show students more about how a language is like, and let them learn the stress, intonation during she reads for them.
  Behaviors of students in class
  All of them involve in activities positively and they are very talkative during the class.
  Benefits from the lesson observation
  After the cassette finished playing for the first time, the teacher walks around and checks whether all the students finished all the questions, then she gives students the second chance to listen the tapes again. It aims to let all the students completely involved in the activity and ensures that students can train their abilities of listening effectively./
目的通过检测原发性肝癌(primary hepatocellular carcinoma, PHC)患者外周血单个核细胞及肝活检组织CXC趋化因子受体1(CXCR1)、CXCR2及CXC趋化因子配体8(CXCL8)表达,探讨其在PHC中的临床意义。方法抽取36例临床确诊PHC患者、30例肝硬化患者及28例健康体检者血液,用实时荧光定量PCR法检测PBMCs中CXCR1、CXCR2及CXCL8 mR
摘要:教学也是一种艺术,我也一直把这句广告词作为激励自己的座右铭。要想作到更好,就必需对过去的工作进行不断的反思,总结经验教训,查漏补遗。  关键词:初中英语;课堂教学;反思  在现代外语课堂教学中,教师将面对各种新的教育思想、资源、模式、过程、手段和方法,因而要求教师具备能够分析、讨论、评估和改变其教育思想和教育实践的能力,成为教学过程的反思者。只有通过不断反思自己的教学过程,才会了解自己的教学
乘坐电梯不可打打闹闹。一旦电梯失灵:保持镇定,安慰困在一起的人。按电梯里的报警器,打报警电话。 Take the elevator can not fight downtown. Once the elevator fails:
摘 要: 在高中英语教学中,由于中西方差异比较大,导致一些教学上的困难。因此,文化意识是正确理解和得体运用英语的保证。为此,教师可以通过让学生参加各种活动,让学生了解与交际密切相关的中西方文化知识。  关键词: 高中英语 口语教学 教学方法  实践证明,如果在课堂上不加限制地使用本族语,就会使学生感觉不到英语课应有的氛围,我们应营造全面接触英语的良好氛围,使学生处于最佳的心理环境、感情环境、意识环
摘 要:社会发展进步的同时,国际间的竞争日益激烈。为了在国际竞争中占据优势,各国都积极储备人才。当今社会发展的趋势告诉我们,具有创新能力的人才,才是更能推动社会发展的中流砥柱。教育教学领域就是为国家培养所需要的人才服务的,因而,在语文课堂教学中逐渐培养初中生的创新能力成为当务之急。  关键词:初中;语文;阅读;创新;能力  社会飞速发展的今天,创新成为一个热门话题。具有创新能力的人,才是当今社会发