
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maodaiwan
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Objective: To evaluate the duration of high-risk HPV-associated cancer risk. Study design: Patients who had had a routine diagnostic Hybrid Capture Tube Test (HCT) due to squamous cell abnormalities of the uterine cervix were followed-up until the endpoint of histologically diagnosed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Results: Six hundred and thirty-eight women were followed during a cumulative follow-up of 16,423 patient months. The adjusted relative risk associated with the positive HR-HCT test for high-grade CIN/52.0 (20.9- 19.2)/ proved to be higher than that of the cytological atypia/5.44 (2.52- 11.77)- /. At the end of the 30 months of follow- up the crude and adjusted risks for CIN2+ were 214.3 (28.4- 1615.7) and 196.7 (25.4- 1525.2), respectively in the HPV 16/18 group, and after 30 months, the crude and adjusted RR decreased to 57.6 (10.4- 318.9) and 29.2 (5.02- 170.0). In the groups of other high- risk types and possibly high-risk types the general tendency was the same. However, new CIN2+ cases were not detected after the 30th month of follow-up in these later groups. Conclusions: HPV16/18 associated relative risk is nearly 200 times higher than that of the HPV negative population and an outstanding risk persists with duration of about 30 months. The risk is manifested in progression to high-grade CIN lesions mainly within a 2 years interval after the first detection of HPV 16/18 infection. Objective: To evaluate the duration of high-risk HPV-associated cancer risk. Study design: Patients who had had a routine diagnostic Hybrid Capture Tube Test (HCT) due to squamous cell abnormalities of the uterine cervix were followed-up until the endpoint of The histologically diagnosed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Results: Six hundred and thirty-eight women were followed during a cumulative follow-up of 16,423 patient months. The adjusted relative risk associated with the positive HR-HCT test for high-grade CIN / 52.0 (20.9- 19.2) / proved to be higher than that of the cytological atypia / 5.44 (2.52- 11.77) - /. At the end of the 30 months of follow-up the crude and adjusted risks for CIN2 + were 214.3 (28.4- 1615.7 ) and 196.7 (25.4-1525.2), respectively, in the HPV 16/18 group, and after 30 months, the crude and adjusted RR decreased to 57.6 (10.4-318.9) and 29.2 (5.02-170.0). In the groups of other high - risk types and possibly high-risk types the general tendency was the sam e. However, new CIN2 + cases were not detected after the 30th month of follow-up in these later groups. Conclusions: HPV16 / 18 associated relative risk is nearly 200 times higher than that of the HPV negative population and an outstanding risk persists with duration of about 30 months. The risk is manifested in progression to high-grade CIN lesions mainly within a 2 years interval after the first detection of HPV 16/18 infection.
患者 男,18岁.以头晕3年,加重并行走不稳1个月,于2004年4月29日住院.查体:体表皮肤无咖啡斑,双眼底见视乳头水肿,有小脑性共济失调,Romberg征阳性,余无其他神经系统阳性体征.CT平扫见小脑蚓部一大的类圆形低密度占位.MRI见肿瘤位于第四脑室,类圆形、边界清楚、似有包膜.T1W1呈低信号,T2W1呈高信号,增强后呈混合密度,第三脑室、侧脑室扩大.术前诊断:髓母细胞瘤并脑积水.行枕下正
患者女,39岁,因食欲减退、呕吐伴乏力2个月,苍白10d入院.查体:重度贫血貌,皮肤黏膜未见黄染及出血点,浅表淋巴结未及.心肺阴性,肝、脾未及.其他未见异常.血常规:血红蛋白36 g/L,白细胞5.7×109/L,血小板106×109/L.白细胞分类,原始细胞0.05,早幼粒细胞0.05,中幼粒细胞0.05,晚幼粒细胞0.08,杆状核粒细胞0.15,分叶核粒细胞0.16,嗜碱粒细胞0.02,单核细
Hundreds of precipitation samples collected from meteorological stations in the Ordos Basin from January 1988 to December 2005 were used to set up a local meteo